Maker Pro
Maker Pro

USB battery + 12V DC charger

Hello everyone

I could like to ask a question: I have an USB battery with 5V output. How I boost from 5V to 12V with a charger?
I have also have a DC to DC Boost Buck Converter from 5V to 12V, but it is not working!
With a transformer from 220AC-to-5V DC it is working: 5V input and 12V output. But with battery does not working...

Please help with this matter.

Thank you
Aris Kyranas
Hello everyone

I could like to ask a question: I have an USB battery with 5V output. How I boost from 5V to 12V with a charger?
I have also have a DC to DC Boost Buck Converter from 5V to 12V, but it is not working!
With a transformer from 220AC-to-5V DC it is working: 5V input and 12V output. But with battery does not working...

Please help with this matter.

Thank you
Aris Kyranas
Many of those batteries have a 'feature' to turn themselves off if an appropriate current is not being drawn.
It's why my wife cant charge her FitBit with her battery. Battery assumes nothing is connected and shuts off.