Maker Pro
Maker Pro

urgently need this analog book

"Job Hunting Guide for Analog/Mixed signal Circuit Design" By Funding Ge

I urgently need this book. If anyone has its pdf or download link please provide it here or mail me at

Please,Please,Please,....its really job hunting situation here urgently

Thank you
Don't judge this "book"(article) by its cover. After reading the opening page it was clear that no proof reading went into this and English was the authors second language. I was hesitant to finish it but to by chance discredit it, I proceeded. To my pleasant surprise the last 2/3 of the article are entirely dedicated to technical interview questions. Exactly the type of questions I saw during my interviews with Micron, Marvell and AMI.

Like the author I had no idea what a technical interview was going to be my first time. It turns out they don't necessarily want you to rattle off all the answers. They want to present you a problem you don't have a memorized answer for and watch your process for resolving the solution. So taking time to work through problems like those presented in this article are a fantastic exercise in getting comfortable with interview type questions.