Dear Sirs and Madams!
I am working on audio project and therefore drawing schematics in Eagle 6.3.0. Now, I have a huge and devastating problem, which I am gettnig desperate at. I created project form scracth and started drawing schematics. Then I saved, exited Eagle and the next day I restarted Eagle, but, could not open schematics anymore, because of this error:
I am working on audio project and therefore drawing schematics in Eagle 6.3.0. Now, I have a huge and devastating problem, which I am gettnig desperate at. I created project form scracth and started drawing schematics. Then I saved, exited Eagle and the next day I restarted Eagle, but, could not open schematics anymore, because of this error:
I searched on web but could nto find any good reference to solve this error so I restarted project FROM SCRATCH and yesterday I saved and exited Eagle. Today I restarted Eagle and got very similiar error:Loading C:/projects/examples/Proj/Proj.sch ...
line 9374, column 6: redefinition of name 'BUS_VOLUME_CONTROL[0..3]' in tag <bus>
Both project seem to be trashed and now I have to start over again. Can someone help me please?Loading C:/eagle/Proj/Proj.sch ...
line 8473, column 6: redefinition of name 'BUS_MATRIX_COMMAND_I2C[0..1],SDA,SCL' in tag <bus>