Maker Pro
Maker Pro

UPDATE: RCA TV model 14512T Repaired




I repaired RCA TV model 14F512T with no vertical deflection problem. R409
1ohm was open. IC301 ("TDA4864AJ" on device) is bad, but I couldn't get a
direct replacement (not available). A "substitute", part number 264870
(STV9302A) was sent, is NOT A DIRECT REPLACEMENT. After several
attempts to get the correct part failed, I decided to "configure" the
"substitute", based on info I downloaded on it and the original part.


Remove R307 220 ohm.

STV9302A TDA4864A7 (orig.)

PIN 1 goes to PIN 6 hole in PCB
PIN 2 '' PIN 1 hole
PIN 3 '' PIN 2 hole
PIN 6 '' PIN 3 hole

Other pins go to the same number holes in PCB. I used wires on a few pins
because the pins couldn't reach. You may prefer modifying the PCB instead.


Before you type your password, credit card number, etc.,
be sure there is no active keystroke logger (spyware) in your PC.