Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Update on ICOM M-502


Harry Krause

Follow up to this November post:

I have an ICOM VHF, model IC-M502, new this past spring, and two
weekends ago, I noticed it was not transmitting properly.

I was "rafting up" with a friend in his boat, and while we were
negotiating the boat hookup, I tried to stay in touch with the VHF. He
could not hear anything at all when I transmitted at the one watt
setting, but could hear me with some signal breakup at the 25 watt
setting. We tried several channels; same results.

It's not the antenna or its fitting, as far as we can tell, because we
hooked up a spare VHF and it did fine.

The friend believes there may be some problem in the M502's mike. My VHF
radio electronics knowledge is minimal. I am going to send the radio
back to ICOM for a look-see and repairs, but I'd like a better
indication from the experts here as to what might be the problem.

Any ideas?


Just talked to ICOM. The radio is on its way back to me. There were
indeed "problems" with the microphone. It was replaced, and apparently
while they had the radio, ICOM updated the firmware. No more details,
but the paperwork packed in the "to go" box should explain all, or so
said the tech on duty.

K Smith

Harry said:
Follow up to this November post:

I have an ICOM VHF, model IC-M502, new this past spring, and two
weekends ago, I noticed it was not transmitting properly.
No you don't this is just more of your lies. You really mean the
charter boat you go out on very very occasionally has a radio, so now
that's clear let's proceed to your next lie.
I was "rafting up" with a friend in his boat, and while we were
negotiating the boat hookup, I tried to stay in touch with the VHF.

More lies!!! you have no friends & certainly none with boats, you need
to be a paying passenger to get near a bath let alone go boating.

could not hear anything at all when I transmitted at the one watt
setting, but could hear me with some signal breakup at the 25 watt
setting. We tried several channels; same results.

Ok so the charter boat skipper was playing with the radio, although it
seems he had asked the passengers to remain seated because you can't
even explain what happened!! but please continue.
It's not the antenna or its fitting, as far as we can tell, because we
hooked up a spare VHF and it did fine.

Spare VHF?, this does seem odd because you lied the other day you
"always" carry "your" hand held VHF with you, they have their own aerial
& inbuilt mic., gee you even lied that you tested the hand held once a
month just to check it, what a load of BS you are Harry.
The friend believes there may be some problem in the M502's mike. My VHF
radio electronics knowledge is minimal.

Your knowledge of most everything is minimal but less than that when it
comes to boats. So you say this to cover the fact that if it really were
your radio on your boat you'd know the actual details of this BS story,
besides read your own boating experience below Harry:) you not only
"know" about VHF you'd be well proficient at aerial tuning on the old
SSB sets. Gee when a habitual liar gets modest you know he's BS'ting.

I am going to send the radio
back to ICOM for a look-see and repairs, but I'd like a better
indication from the experts here as to what might be the problem.

Any ideas?


Just talked to ICOM. The radio is on its way back to me. There were
indeed "problems" with the microphone. It was replaced, and apparently
while they had the radio, ICOM updated the firmware. No more details,
but the paperwork packed in the "to go" box should explain all, or so
said the tech on duty.

So you rang your charter bloke to say merry christmas what?? to suck up
to him yes?? hoping for a window seat next season are you Harry??? & he
gave you this tit bit. I mean late christmas eve & you "just talked" to
ICOM. Honestly Harry this lying thing is way out of control you need
help ma boy, you really do.


I try to keep a little on topic material if possible so .....
Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:)

Just to make your day, not only was
I a civilian employee in SE Asia, it was in Vietnam, it was during the
war against Vietnam, I did see some horrific sights and I was working at
the time for a U.S. general. Is that straightforward enough for you,
John, or is your amoeba still chasing your synapse
writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the
Wash Post.
She'll measure 36' sans a bowsprit x a little more than 12' in beam. The hull
buttom is built down to the keel. There are no chines.
The hull is efficient at displacement and planing speeds. According to the hull
builder, if we keep the weight within certain limits, we'll achieve a WOT of
about 37-38 mph, and a very easy cruise of 30-32 mph on a single diesel of about
420-450 hp. She'll cruise slow and economically, too.
We expect a very smooooooooooth riding boat, able to take on a big headsea at a
pretty good clip without beating up the folks inside.
Fitting out a boat like this is going to be an interesting and stimulating
experience. Basically, we get to spec everything and we end up with a custom

It's Lou Codega. He's a widely known and respected naval architect. He
does Regulator's hulls, too. He's done the Navigator 37. I believe he's
also done designs for Carolina Classic.

even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it
was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't
like nor tolerate misogynists for long.stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the
centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's
never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material.frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride"
story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered,
treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for
what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a
small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:)

Rheilly Phoull

K Smith said:
No you don't this is just more of your lies. You really mean the
charter boat you go out on very very occasionally has a radio, so now
that's clear let's proceed to your next lie.

Ho Hum !!
So much for the Xmas spirit of goodwill etc.
What will you do now, go out and trip up old ladies and steal childrens
bikes ??

K Smith

Rheilly said:
Ho Hum !!
So much for the Xmas spirit of goodwill etc.
What will you do now, go out and trip up old ladies and steal childrens
bikes ??

Oh I do apologise; I was unaware you'd issued Harry with a christmas
liars pass, please forgive me:)


Harry Krause

Rheilly said:
Ho Hum !!
So much for the Xmas spirit of goodwill etc.
What will you do now, go out and trip up old ladies and steal childrens
bikes ??

If it helps, I'll offer an apology for "K Smith," an internet newsgroup
stalker with a vile mouth, a poor command of standard English, and some
rather bizarre ideas about boating.

Happy holidays.

Harry Krause

Larry said:
Please take Krause and this childish bullshit back over to
Making one boat newsgroup totally useless is quite enough, isn't it?
We don't need this kiddie crap here.....

Larry W4CSC


Larry, Larry, Larry, behave yourself. From the tales you've been
spinning in here and in the cellphone newsgroups, it is obvious you
are, despite the years of medication and therapy, still four cans short
of a six pack.

Did you really smash an old modem up in a bag and carry it to your cable
TV company and terrify the gals at the front counter with your tales of
reception woe?

Or was that just another in the "Imaginary Mis-Adventures of Larry the

K Smith

Larry said:
Please take Krause and this childish bullshit back over to
Making one boat newsgroup totally useless is quite enough, isn't it?
We don't need this kiddie crap here.....

Larry W4CSC


OOps I'll check for cross posting, apologies as always:)

Hope christmas was good, take care.


Harry Krause

Rick said:
That is probably the best reason to buy ICOM products. I have been very
satisfied with mine and would recommend ICOM products strongly.


They really do seem helpful far...they haven't "exported" their
help desk to India.

Harry Krause

Rick said:
K Smith wrote:
Good God, if you want to rant and rave please keep it on I
thought I had gotten away from all the small petty thinking that went on
there we I deleted from my system.


You'll have to delete K Smith from your system or ignore anything she
posts in order to passover her daily dose of bile.

Harry Krause

Chuck said:
You radio should be back to you by now.

Any indication of what the firmware changes did?

Not a clue, Chuck. The radio is sitting in a box in my garage, and won't
be "tested" by me until April. All the ICOM packing slip said was that
the radio was "updated with the latest" et cetera.

Right now, it is 12F outside.