Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Update on Art Of Electronics Third Edition Progress



In response to "are [you] on track to meeting your goal of submitting the
remaining "x" chapters this

"We're a bit behind schedule, but I think this means we'll
shorten some of the x chapters a bit - just a bit mind you.
There's too much good stuff already finished that we can't
continue to hold back.

"We're getting closer. For example, we broke the
old 80-page precision and low-noise Chapter 7 into
two, both greatly-expanded with massive cool stuff.
We submitted Chapter 5, Precision Circuits, last
summer, and it was 135 pages long. This week
we're finishing Chapter 8, Low-Noise Techniques,
and we expect it to be about 130 pages. So that's
about 3x more great material, on just those two
topics! We expect y'all will love it."

Hah, Chapter 8 ended up 166 pages long. Whew!

"In January we'll submit chapter 9, Power Design -
it's almost done now, and then we'll have submitted
15 chapters, leaving five more "x" chapters to go.

I think I mentioned the x chapters, with their extra,
more-advanced material, so we certainly don't want
to short-change them! Anyway, three of those are
more than half done, and we hope to have submitted
everything by next summer.

That means the book should be out by late 2012 or
early 2013."

- Win"

And a followup email

Just a couple follow up questions so I have a bit more to share.

Does that mean the "half" finished x chapters have grown like chapter 8?
And you mentioned that
after chapters 8 and 9;
15 chapters (out of 20 if I read that right) had been submitted (for
editing/checking I assume), have
any more chapters
been submitted? Is submitting this year still a goal?

"Everything has grown, except the 20-chapter total
is still correct. But we may simply cutoff the growing
x chapters at some point this year, to insure the book
reaches the streets early next year. I have been saying
for some time the writing will be finished this summer
but without specifying when the summer ends. Now
I must finally admit there's no way I can characterize
this point in the future as the end of the summer. :)

Then we have huge stacks of proof-read and copy-edited
marked-up drafts and drawings to go over, etc., lots to
do still. CUP has the difficult page-layout task and then
we have to review / fix the galleys and make an index.

- Win"

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In response to "are [you] on track to meeting your goal of submitting the

remaining "x" chapters this


"We're a bit behind schedule, but I think this means we'll

shorten some of the x chapters a bit - just a bit mind you.

There's too much good stuff already finished that we can't

continue to hold back.

"We're getting closer. For example, we broke the

old 80-page precision and low-noise Chapter 7 into

two, both greatly-expanded with massive cool stuff.

We submitted Chapter 5, Precision Circuits, last

summer, and it was 135 pages long. This week

we're finishing Chapter 8, Low-Noise Techniques,

and we expect it to be about 130 pages. So that's

about 3x more great material, on just those two

topics! We expect y'all will love it."

Hah, Chapter 8 ended up 166 pages long. Whew!

"In January we'll submit chapter 9, Power Design -

it's almost done now, and then we'll have submitted

15 chapters, leaving five more "x" chapters to go.

I think I mentioned the x chapters, with their extra,

more-advanced material, so we certainly don't want

to short-change them! Anyway, three of those are

more than half done, and we hope to have submitted

everything by next summer.

That means the book should be out by late 2012 or

early 2013."


- Win"

And a followup email

Just a couple follow up questions so I have a bit more to share.

Does that mean the "half" finished x chapters have grown like chapter 8?

And you mentioned that

after chapters 8 and 9;

15 chapters (out of 20 if I read that right) had been submitted (for

editing/checking I assume), have

any more chapters

been submitted? Is submitting this year still a goal?

"Everything has grown, except the 20-chapter total

is still correct. But we may simply cutoff the growing

x chapters at some point this year, to insure the book

reaches the streets early next year. I have been saying

for some time the writing will be finished this summer

but without specifying when the summer ends. Now

I must finally admit there's no way I can characterize

this point in the future as the end of the summer. :)

Then we have huge stacks of proof-read and copy-edited

marked-up drafts and drawings to go over, etc., lots to

do still. CUP has the difficult page-layout task and then

we have to review / fix the galleys and make an index.


- Win"


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That's going to be a $300 book- just for the PDF version...

George Herold

In response to "are [you] on track to meeting your goal of submitting the
remaining "x" chapters this

"We're a bit behind schedule, but I think this means we'll
 shorten some of the x chapters a bit - just a bit mind you.
 There's too much good stuff already finished that we can't
 continue to hold back.
"We're getting closer.  For example, we broke the
 old 80-page precision and low-noise Chapter 7 into
 two, both greatly-expanded with massive cool stuff.
 We submitted Chapter 5, Precision Circuits, last
 summer, and it was 135 pages long.  This week
 we're finishing Chapter 8, Low-Noise Techniques,
 and we expect it to be about 130 pages.  So that's
 about 3x more great material, on just those two
 topics!  We expect y'all will love it."
Hah, Chapter 8 ended up 166 pages long.   Whew!
"In January we'll submit chapter 9, Power Design -
 it's almost done now, and then we'll have submitted
 15 chapters, leaving five more "x" chapters to go.
 I think I mentioned the x chapters, with their extra,
 more-advanced material, so we certainly don't want
 to short-change them!  Anyway, three of those are
 more than half done, and we hope to have submitted
 everything by next summer.
 That means the book should be out by late 2012 or
 early 2013."

  - Win"
And a followup email
Just a couple follow up questions so I have a bit more to share.
Does that mean the "half" finished x chapters have grown like chapter 8?
And you mentioned that
after chapters 8 and 9;
15 chapters (out of 20 if I read that right) had been submitted (for
editing/checking I assume), have
any more chapters
been submitted? Is submitting this year still a goal?
"Everything has grown, except the 20-chapter total
is still correct.  But we may simply cutoff the growing
x chapters at some point this year, to insure the book
reaches the streets early next year.  I have been saying
for some time the writing will be finished this summer
but without specifying when the summer ends.  Now
I must finally admit there's no way I can characterize
this point in the future as the end of the summer.  :)
Then we have huge stacks of proof-read and copy-edited
marked-up drafts and drawings to go over, etc., lots to
do still.  CUP has the difficult page-layout task and then
we have to review / fix the galleys and make an index.

  - Win"

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That's going to be a $300 book- just for the PDF version...- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Maybe two volumes?

George H.

Robert Baer

solarmist said:
In response to "are [you] on track to meeting your goal of submitting the
remaining "x" chapters this

"We're a bit behind schedule, but I think this means we'll
shorten some of the x chapters a bit - just a bit mind you.
There's too much good stuff already finished that we can't
continue to hold back.

"We're getting closer. For example, we broke the
old 80-page precision and low-noise Chapter 7 into
two, both greatly-expanded with massive cool stuff.
We submitted Chapter 5, Precision Circuits, last
summer, and it was 135 pages long. This week
we're finishing Chapter 8, Low-Noise Techniques,
and we expect it to be about 130 pages. So that's
about 3x more great material, on just those two
topics! We expect y'all will love it."

Hah, Chapter 8 ended up 166 pages long. Whew!

"In January we'll submit chapter 9, Power Design -
it's almost done now, and then we'll have submitted
15 chapters, leaving five more "x" chapters to go.

I think I mentioned the x chapters, with their extra,
more-advanced material, so we certainly don't want
to short-change them! Anyway, three of those are
more than half done, and we hope to have submitted
everything by next summer.

That means the book should be out by late 2012 or
early 2013."
How about adding a chapter covering avalanche breakdown; there is a
lot of info archived in Google, presented by Winfield and others,that
would be a very good start.