Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Unsticking shutter on Olympus 410 using magnets?

Hi group.

Got one of these that is just out of warranty and the shutter has

Helpfully, the manufacturers have seen fit to glue the case shut (!)
which means I'm not getting into it anytime soon.

My ideas for fixing this is to use a high strength magnetic field from
a coil of wire wound around the extended lens- the idea being that the
actuator works using the same principle so it should resond to this if
the coil is broken or the actuator is jammed in some way.
Anyone tried this before?


Jerry G.

I would think your problem is that the shutter is really electronic,
and not mechanical to begin with. The click noise you here, is really
an imulation to make it sound and feel like there is a mechanical

As for putting a high strength magnetic field near a computer device,
such as your camera, the results would be unpredicatble. If you were to
target a specific point, you will have to have a very well controled
and calibrated magnetic beam of some kind.

Jerry G.


Helpfully, the manufacturers have seen fit to glue the case shut (!)
which means I'm not getting into it anytime soon.

Replace with a repairable camera.