Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Unknown components

I've openned 3 different remote controls for tv's and don't know what kind of component are the following: <800C or G944>, <4.00xL> and <T4.006e>.

Have googled those codes (in fact, used Yahoo search engine, Google and Duchduckgo) but found nothing. Also, have used specialized sites like Datasheet but nothing. This isn't the first time this happens to me; it's like making a search is location dependent. I don't know.

Need help on both issues. Thanks for any help or advise!

A photo of the physical component is attached below.IMG_20180913_160004_hdr.jpg
Photo is very blurry.
Idea is to check the quality before you post.
Closest one could be a resonator and furtherest looks like it might be an electrolytic cap, but only guessing.
What seems to be the problem anyhow and do you suspect they may be faulty?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I can't identify the species of plant. You have it well focused, but we're not specialists in that sort of thing.

The fuzzy, out of focus board with the resonator and the electrolytic capacitor sitting on top of some other undefined object is mostly masking out the plant anyway.


Hop - AC8NS
From the dense growth, the plant may be an invasive species, not native to the island of Puerto Rico. Suggest @Benny7440 take more close-up, in-focus, photographs of what we are to identify and post them here.
I'm sorry for the lack of quality on the photo. I tried with a magnifying lense but it was worst. For sure, I'm not asking about the electrolytic capacitor, it never occured to me that someone might focus on it. Think that the combination of the photo and the components codes made it simple enough to discriminate appropriately: another unjustified assumption by my part.

In any case, you made already a valuable contribution answering one important question: it is probably that, a resonator.

Now, how do you make a search with the codes given and get a sound answer? Something new nontheless, what's a resonator? What's inside?
Resonator is a 3 pin device an acts like a crystal with it's 2 capacitors.
Just like the word says, resonator so it resonates at a particular frequency, just like a crystal only not quite as accurate.
Most have the frequency stamped on the side.
Used in many transmitter /receiver circuits.
Google has many details, circuits and applications if you care to do some searching.
Sometimes component numbers mean nothing except to the original device manufacturer.