Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Unipolar to Bipolar

Hi guys

I need to convert a sine wave signal 0 - 3V into -9 to +9 sine wave.
I think I need to use Opamp but I am not able to figure out circuit.

How can I do it?

D from BC

Hi guys

I need to convert a sine wave signal 0 - 3V into -9 to +9 sine wave.
I think I need to use Opamp but I am not able to figure out circuit.

How can I do it?

Summing amplifier Av=9 (Was 3Vpp changing to 18Vpp)
Signal + offset DC
D from BC

Jim Thompson

Hi guys

I need to convert a sine wave signal 0 - 3V into -9 to +9 sine wave.
I think I need to use Opamp but I am not able to figure out circuit.

How can I do it?

One of many ways...

INPUT o------------|+\
| \
| \
| |------+--o OUTPUT
| / |
| / |
+12V o--6.66K--+---|-/ |
| |/ |
| |

...Jim Thompson

D from BC

Summing amplifier Av=9 (Was 3Vpp changing to 18Vpp)
Signal + offset DC
D from BC

Ooops..not Av=9...Its Av=6
...and the Mars probe bumps into a rock never able to go into reverse..
D from BC

Fred Bloggs

Jim said:
One of many ways...

INPUT o------------|+\
| \
| \
| |------+--o OUTPUT
| / |
| / |
+12V o--6.66K--+---|-/ |
| |/ |
| |

...Jim Thompson

Don't believe it- the aged fart actually posted an ASCII schematic!!!!

Jim Thompson

Don't believe it- the aged fart actually posted an ASCII schematic!!!!

Now, now! This "aged fart" just returned from a seminar on CSI ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Phil Allison

<[email protected]>

** Groper Alert !
I need to convert a sine wave signal 0 - 3V into -9 to +9 sine wave.
I think I need to use Opamp but I am not able to figure out circuit.

How can I do it?

** Use a capacitor to remove the DC offset from the original sine wave -
gives a sine wave that has +/- 1.5 volt peaks.

Follow that with a amplifier stage with gain of 6.

....... Phil

Tony Williams

Fred Bloggs said:
Don't believe it- the aged fart actually posted an ASCII

Oh Buggerit!! You got there before me.....


Congrats, Jim, it's nice to post drawings that become a
permanent part of the record.
Now, now! This "aged fart" just returned from a seminar on CSI ;-)

Channel State Information, I assume. I've better things
to do with my time.

Jim Thompson

Congrats, Jim, it's nice to post drawings that become a
permanent part of the record.

Channel State Information, I assume. I've better things
to do with my time.

Criminal Forensics "Road Scholar" 5-day seminar given by the MIT
Alumni Association at University of California, Riverside... UCal's
center for forensics education.

Very interesting stuff.

What "... better things to do with (your) time" ??

...Jim Thompson

Michael A. Terrell

Jim said:
Now, now! This "aged fart" just returned from a seminar on CSI ;-)

Crime Scene Instigator? ;-)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida