Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Understanding of the circuit

I am analyzing the below circuit, i know the VRef will be the voltage at the +ve terminal. The voltage at point 12 is
V+ = (AVDD * R26)/(R26+R21) R26=R21 = 10K hence
V+ = AVDD/2; AVDD = 3.3V then
V+=VREF = 3.3/2 = 1.65V. Am i correct? But i am confused with the capacitor. Because the impedance of the capacitor is infinite for DC, hence no current flows through C59 that is the only purpose of C59?
What is noise suppression. Any link to understand it? The explanation i provided is cirrect that it does not allow current or it works as RC filter, i am confused?
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Looks like to me the capacitor C59 is discharging through that resistor R26, I dont know if that helps, but it would be emptying itself as it fills.
Many power supplies produce hum and hiss noises. The value of C59 is too low to reduce hum but it does reduce power supply hiss.