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Understanding liberalism


Leonard Abbott

Understanding liberalism

They used to say it is something they are putting in the water, that
makes the educated say one thing and do the

It is not in the water but rather something they put in the curriculum..
liberalism is being taught in both political science and psychology

Have you seen the EXon and British petroleum adds on TV. advocating the
use of wind and solar power? Sounds like they are doing their utmost to
solve the world's energy shortage..

But it is Just the opposite, their real motive is to silence their
critics, while they rape the American public.

To stay in power the filthy rich say they are champions of the poor and
down trodden huddled masses, but their actions tell a different storey..

EXon and BP have enough money to make all the energy America needs, but
liberal philosophy allows them to give the nation propaganda instead of

America can not survive as a Nation, if it continues to be led by

Balanced View

Leonard said:
Understanding liberalism

They used to say it is something they are putting in the water, that
makes the educated say one thing and do the

It is not in the water but rather something they put in the curriculum..
liberalism is being taught in both political science and psychology

Have you seen the EXon and British petroleum adds on TV. advocating the
use of wind and solar power? Sounds like they are doing their utmost to
solve the world's energy shortage..

But it is Just the opposite, their real motive is to silence their
critics, while they rape the American public.

To stay in power the filthy rich say they are champions of the poor and
down trodden huddled masses, but their actions tell a different storey..

EXon and BP have enough money to make all the energy America needs, but
liberal philosophy allows them to give the nation propaganda instead of

America can not survive as a Nation, if it continues to be led by
Have you been under a rock for the last eight years? Tell us who's
controlled the white house, the senate,
congress and the supreme court for the majority of the last eight
years..........Hint Republicans......


Balanced said:
Have you been under a rock for the last eight years? Tell us who's
controlled the white house, the senate,
congress and the supreme court for the majority of the last eight
years..........Hint Republicans......

Take your head out of the sand too. You forgot Dem congress.

Bob F

Leonard Abbott said:
Understanding liberalism

They used to say it is something they are putting in the water, that
makes the educated say one thing and do the

It is not in the water but rather something they put in the curriculum..
liberalism is being taught in both political science and psychology

Have you seen the EXon and British petroleum adds on TV. advocating the
use of wind and solar power? Sounds like they are doing their utmost to
solve the world's energy shortage..

But it is Just the opposite, their real motive is to silence their
critics, while they rape the American public.

To stay in power the filthy rich say they are champions of the poor and
down trodden huddled masses, but their actions tell a different storey..

EXon and BP have enough money to make all the energy America needs, but
liberal philosophy allows them to give the nation propaganda instead of

America can not survive as a Nation, if it continues to be led by

You give a bunch of methods the conservatives manipulate public opinion and the
world, and then say liberals are the problem. Not much of an arguement.


Bob F said:
You give a bunch of methods the conservatives manipulate public opinion and the
world, and then say liberals are the problem. Not much of an arguement.

The Republicans are liberals too so I don't see how anyone can blame the

The country is a mess with the Republicans in office so the masses elect
Democrats. They make it worse so next time they elect Republicans. They
make it worse so next time they elect Democrats. The only thing you can
count on is that it keeps getting worse.

Balanced View

Frank said:
Take your head out of the sand too. You forgot Dem congress.

No, read it again, "Tell us who's controlled the white house, the
senate, congress and the supreme court
for the MAJORITY of the last eight years". Democrats have had a one seat
majority since January 2007,
One year, 10 months. List any bill they've passed since January 2007
that caused the current mess.

Balanced View

Ulysses said:
and the

The Republicans are liberals too so I don't see how anyone can blame the

The country is a mess with the Republicans in office so the masses elect
Democrats. They make it worse so next time they elect Republicans. They
make it worse so next time they elect Democrats. The only thing you can
count on is that it keeps getting worse.

The problem is it wasn't worse the last time, eight years of prosperity
and peace, the republicans went rabid over
over a blow job between two consenting adults. Over all the economy
historically has faired better under democratic
administrations than republicans.

Trygve Lillefosse

The Republicans are liberals too so I don't see how anyone can blame the

The country is a mess with the Republicans in office so the masses elect
Democrats. They make it worse so next time they elect Republicans. They
make it worse so next time they elect Democrats. The only thing you can
count on is that it keeps getting worse.

For how long has this been in effect?

Do you think that your life would have been better, say 100 yrs ago?


Trygve Lillefosse said:
For how long has this been in effect?

I haven't been around long enough to know but I suspect it's always gone
about the same. Kinda wierd though. It's hard to imagine that the general
population actually conspires to elect a Rebublican president and a Democrat
Congress and then the other way around and manage to do this on a regular
Do you think that your life would have been better, say 100 yrs ago?

In some respects, yes. For one thing there was no income tax or social
security payments. Property tax was a probably a lower percentage of the
value of the property. Smoking tobacco was legal.. If you wanted to build
a home out in the boonies you could as long as you owned the land. Now we
have such things in California as mandatory car insurance. If the economy
goes to hell (I hear it's possible) and you have to choose between insurance
and feeding your family the government will revoke your car registration.
That means you may not be able to get to work. Then you will lose
everything. And you won't even be able to live in your car because they
will tow it away due to lack of registration. Maybe they will let people
live in their cars in the impound lot.

I suppose it's better now in some ways for blacks and women. But worse for
whites. What really bothers me is that they will do such things as impose
smoking bans in outdoor areas with no explanation as to why. To me it's
just a populace control thing. They spent decades spewing anti-smoking
propaganda and now the majority actually seems to believe that if they smell
tobacco smoke they will instantly die a horrible death. I think it may just
be a test of things to come. Now they are talking about euthenasia. Just
whom are they going to euthenasize? Those who they see as being
non-productive such as the elderly or handicapped? Or simply those who's
beliefs do not agree with theirs? Why did they allow the so-called Gay
Marriage? Is it supposed to be some kind of population control? Or is it
just to make it easier to round them up for euthenaisa?

Bob F

Now they are talking about euthenasia. Just
whom are they going to euthenasize? Those who they see as being
non-productive such as the elderly or handicapped? Or simply those who's
beliefs do not agree with theirs? Why did they allow the so-called Gay
Marriage? Is it supposed to be some kind of population control? Or is it
just to make it easier to round them up for euthenaisa?

I had occcasion to watch how a terminal patient was handled. When it had been
determined that she was going to die, with no hope of recovery, the decision was
made to let it happen. The process in hospice was to cut off all food and water
until she died. There was no option of a simple shot for a quick and peaceful
death. If you did the same thing to your dog, you'd be arrested.

Trygve Lillefosse

I haven't been around long enough to know but I suspect it's always gone
about the same. Kinda wierd though. It's hard to imagine that the general
population actually conspires to elect a Rebublican president and a Democrat
Congress and then the other way around and manage to do this on a regular

Seems like the people wants a third alternative.:)
In some respects, yes. For one thing there was no income tax or social
security payments. Property tax was a probably a lower percentage of the
value of the property. Smoking tobacco was legal.. If you wanted to build

But still, people probarbly had to work a lot harder to get less than
what they get now.

I do not live in the US, but for a days work, I could buy a months
supply of basic foodstuff. My guess is that it would have taken me a
week if I lived a 100 yrs ago.
a home out in the boonies you could as long as you owned the land. Now we
have such things in California as mandatory car insurance. If the economy
goes to hell (I hear it's possible) and you have to choose between insurance
and feeding your family the government will revoke your car registration.
That means you may not be able to get to work. Then you will lose

If you were allowed to drive without an insurance, the other person(s)
life might be in ruins after a collision. I would not like to be on
the roads if I risked loosing everything due to some other person
without an insurance.
everything. And you won't even be able to live in your car because they
will tow it away due to lack of registration. Maybe they will let people
live in their cars in the impound lot.

I suppose it's better now in some ways for blacks and women. But worse for
whites. What really bothers me is that they will do such things as impose

I suppose that we all live better lifes, but blacks and women might
have experienced an even better increase in living standards/freedom
than I do. But that is mostly due to the starting point.
beliefs do not agree with theirs? Why did they allow the so-called Gay
Marriage? Is it supposed to be some kind of population control? Or is it
just to make it easier to round them up for euthenaisa?

Is'nt Gay marriage a cause of personal freedom?
I think that just as nobody should realy care if you build a house on
your property when there are no close neighbours - nobody should realy
care how you live your life as long as nobody else is harmed.

Balanced View

Trygve said:
For how long has this been in effect?

Do you think that your life would have been better, say 100 yrs ago?
Oh it would be great if things were like 100 years ago, most of us would
be dead by 50, and the
child mortality rate was ten times what it is today. Yeah, those were
the days.................


Bob F said:
I had occcasion to watch how a terminal patient was handled. When it had been
determined that she was going to die, with no hope of recovery, the decision was
made to let it happen. The process in hospice was to cut off all food and water
until she died. There was no option of a simple shot for a quick and peaceful
death. If you did the same thing to your dog, you'd be arrested.

Sounds pretty cruel. I'm not talking about terminally ill people--I'm
talking about whoever "society" deems unworthy to live. No doubt the
liberals would put me in that category.

If you think this is too far-fetched consider this: when I was a kid nobody
even imagined that abortion would ever be legal, that fags would get
married, or that smoking would be banned everywhere. I figure pretty soon
anyone who opposes child molesting will be labeled a "scumbag."


Trygve Lillefosse said:
Seems like the people wants a third alternative.:)

But still, people probarbly had to work a lot harder to get less than
what they get now.

I do not live in the US, but for a days work, I could buy a months
supply of basic foodstuff. My guess is that it would have taken me a
week if I lived a 100 yrs ago.

If you were allowed to drive without an insurance, the other person(s)
life might be in ruins after a collision. I would not like to be on
the roads if I risked loosing everything due to some other person
without an insurance.

OK, but in California we have "Uninsured Motorist" coverage which is
included with your basic insurance plan. I don't know if the settlement
amounts are as high as they would be if the offending driver had liability
insurance but that has it's limits too. The driver who has insurance is
basically protecting his/her property and assets. I doubt if many people
choose (if there was a choice) to have insurance simply out of compassion
for some unknown victim of a hypothetical wreck.

I suppose that we all live better lifes, but blacks and women might
have experienced an even better increase in living standards/freedom
than I do. But that is mostly due to the starting point.

Is'nt Gay marriage a cause of personal freedom?
I think that just as nobody should realy care if you build a house on
your property when there are no close neighbours - nobody should realy
care how you live your life as long as nobody else is harmed.

Fine, but don't call it "Marriage." It's not. Marriage is between a man
and a woman. I don't really care what people do as long as it does not
affect me. Perhaps this so-called gay marriage will reduce the spread of
AIDS but I doubt it.


Bob said:
I had occcasion to watch how a terminal patient was handled. When it had been
determined that she was going to die, with no hope of recovery, the decision was
made to let it happen. The process in hospice was to cut off all food and water
until she died. There was no option of a simple shot for a quick and peaceful
death. If you did the same thing to your dog, you'd be arrested.

Yes, and probably without sufficient morphine to make it painless too.


Bruce in alaska

Ulysses said:
Fine, but don't call it "Marriage." It's not. Marriage is between a man
and a woman. I don't really care what people do as long as it does not
affect me. Perhaps this so-called gay marriage will reduce the spread of
AIDS but I doubt it.

I am with you on this one. If you want to make a new "NAME" for it FINE,
you can define it ANYWAY you like, and give it ANY privileges you deem
correct, and I will vote FOR it. What I can't put up with, is the LEFTS
persistence in REDEFINING the term MARRIAGE, to suit them, when THAT
definition PREDATES Recorded History. Just leave MARRIAGE alone, and
makeup your own NAME. I entered into a MARRIAGE, with my wife, and I
don't care to have someone else, REDEFINE, my Relationship, just suit
their agenda.....

Bob F

Ulysses said:
Sounds pretty cruel. I'm not talking about terminally ill people--I'm
talking about whoever "society" deems unworthy to live. No doubt the
liberals would put me in that category.

We are voting tomorrow on a "Death with dignity" initiative, so I was talking
about terminally ill patients.
If you think this is too far-fetched consider this: when I was a kid nobody
even imagined that abortion would ever be legal, that fags would get
married, or that smoking would be banned everywhere.

And they didn't figure that mixed races would ever be allowed to marry. Things
change, fortunately.
I figure pretty soon
anyone who opposes child molesting will be labeled a "scumbag."

I doubt you last assertation very much. That is just not going to be accepted.

Bob F

Bruce in alaska said:
I am with you on this one. If you want to make a new "NAME" for it FINE,
you can define it ANYWAY you like, and give it ANY privileges you deem
correct, and I will vote FOR it. What I can't put up with, is the LEFTS
persistence in REDEFINING the term MARRIAGE, to suit them, when THAT
definition PREDATES Recorded History. Just leave MARRIAGE alone, and
makeup your own NAME. I entered into a MARRIAGE, with my wife, and I
don't care to have someone else, REDEFINE, my Relationship, just suit
their agenda.....

It would in no way affect your marraige. To say it would is ludicrous.


Bob F said:
It would in no way affect your marraige. To say it would is ludicrous.

It has changed the definition of my relationship with my wife. I no longer
know if I'm "married" or not.

Bruce in alaska

Ulysses said:
It has changed the definition of my relationship with my wife. I no longer
know if I'm "married" or not.

Looks like in Kalifornia, anyway, Prop 8 Passed, and will become LAW for
them at least....