My professor used this circuit in a exam in 2016. This is a regulator with a zenerdiode D and a MOSFET. The transistor has a constant gate-source voltage equal to 4V. The voltage Vin = 24 V and we want the output voltage to be Vout = 19V when IL is constant equal to 1A.
My question is 1) What is the zenervoltage which gives the output voltage Vut = 19V. I know the solution is Vz = 15V. But what i dont understand is, why and how is it 15V?
2) Assume the current in zenerdiode is 5mA. Find R1.
- I know we have to use ohm's law here, which i did. But again, my professor used R1 = Vgs/5mA = 4V/5mA. Why did he use the gate-source voltage?
If anyone could help me to understand this, i would really appreciate it! Thank you.
My question is 1) What is the zenervoltage which gives the output voltage Vut = 19V. I know the solution is Vz = 15V. But what i dont understand is, why and how is it 15V?
2) Assume the current in zenerdiode is 5mA. Find R1.
- I know we have to use ohm's law here, which i did. But again, my professor used R1 = Vgs/5mA = 4V/5mA. Why did he use the gate-source voltage?
If anyone could help me to understand this, i would really appreciate it! Thank you.