Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ultrathin Flexible Rechargeable LiPo Batteries

I need a ultrathin (more or less maximum of 1mm thick) flexible rechargeable lithium polymer battery with specific dimensions. As it will be used to validate my project i just need a few samples. I asked some re-sellers but as it has to be custom made the prices are a little bit high. Do you know some manufacturers that can make these kind of batteries?
Thanks in advance!
If you could convince them that you would be placing large orders after the design was validated, you might be able to get someone to produce samples for you. Otherwise, I expect the cost would be prohibitive.

It seems that a crucial part of battery spec has not been mentioned: What should the maH and voltage(might need multi cell) rating be. Depending on requirement, it might very well be impossible to achieve with those dimensions.