Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ultrasonic sensor not perfectly measuring distance|plan to use laser sensor

Hello all,

I use ultrasonic sensor along with Arduino Mega for distance measurement project. I feel the value i receive from ultrasonic sensor doesn't same as actual object distance (getting +50mm difference). And the values are keep changing as well.

The tolerance range can be +/- 10 mm for my project. Could someone suggest is laser a good option to go with? Does my budget raise up a lot due to using to laser sensor?

Can you suggest the laser type that will work with Arduino Mega board?

I don't know the make and model of your ultrasonic detector, the accuracy you require, or your application.
I'd got with Hopup's recommendation that you try a laser.
There are too many environmental factors to consider with and ultrasonic, depending on the application.
I'm using HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor model. +/- 10mm difference is acceptable for my project.

The issue what i'm facing is, when the object is placed within 900 mm, i'm able to achieve value. But if my object is crossed more than 1000mm, then the sensor gives incorrect value (reads 1050mm) which is not acceptable for my project. So thought of using laser instead of ultrasonic sensor. Let me try the one Hopup is suggesting.

I have to check whether it is available in Indian markets.

Thank you Hopup and shrtrnd.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Are the reasons you're getting consistent? If so, you could apply a correction to them in software.
Pretty sure you can find laser modules in Indian market with higher range. Also you can buy better ultrasonic detector.