Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Uln2003 Stepper motor controller help

Hello, my name is josh and im a 14 y/o electrical hobbyist. My current project is a XY plotter with two dvd rom trays. I am on a very low budget,(5 dollars) and i need a controller and schematic for it. i have looked into a uln2003 and i am going to buy some. My question is how do i hook up two stepper motors to two uln2003's and hopefully use a db25. Here is a picture of the machine. Thank you for your help.


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So long, and Thanks for all the Fish!
Hey Josh Welcome to the forum!

First, I am glad to see someone your age interested in electronics and stages!

This is a typical 28BYJ-48//ULN2003 Stepper/Driver: . It might be easier for you to simply order 2 steppers//dirvers from e-bay (the ones linked are slightly over your $5 budget @ $7.90 for 2 including shipping, but if you don't mind waiting you can likely get them from China for a bit less.)

CNC is a hobby of mine, and I have tinkered with all sorts of steppers, but I have never played with any of the old floppy steppers, so I don't know if they are typically unipolar or bipolar. I have seen some pretty amazing stages built using salvaged steppers, but a frequent problem with salvaged steppers is figuring out how to drive them properly.

If you want to investigate what others have done with salvaged PC Steppers here are a few links:

That i could probably go over my budget for but i have one question, i dont have an aurduino and could i hook it up to a db25?


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
That i could probably go over my budget for but i have one question, i dont have an aurduino and could i hook it up to a db25?

Hello Josh and welcome to EP.

Please clarify this statement. db25 is a model topography that describes the physical design of a "D" type connector. If you're asking if you could control the steppers via a computer in lieu of a PIC then you'd be asking if serial port control would work. This would be RS232 which describes data protocol standard, pin-out topography and electrical characteristics .

If this is the question then the answer is yes.

yes i mean the db 25 as in the serial connection. Another question, would this schematic work with my machine. Thank you


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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
As Alex Trebek used to say "Ooo sooorry"!. No that won't do at all. You must send serial data to a chip that can interpret it and convert the serial data to logic states to drive your ULN2003's. A Parallel Port will provide you with 8 separate outputs but your circuit exceeds this figure.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I'm not familiar with it. Perhaps someone else is? I suspect you'd be well advised to investigate Picaxe uC's.

Yes I am familiar with the picaxe, could you possibly give me a way of hooking it up because if you think it is a good way to go I will buy some. Another question, will I need One picaxe for every unl2003


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@ --> Chris
I am a bit confused why you think a parallel port OR a serial port will not work as a signal source? Both will in fact work quite nicely as long as you are using DOS or some other OS that allows direct control over the Ports. As a matter of fact, Mach3 (a Windows App), is (arguably) the most popular Controller App in CNC and is almost ALWAYS used in conjunction with a parallel port. Granted @ $180 per machine this software is not within the OP's budget; but DOS certainly is, and any DOS programming language (even BASIC) can easily control a ULN2003 via a printer port. Would I use a uController? Absolutely, but the OP is 36 years my Junior and on a tight budget.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
@ --> Chris
I am a bit confused why you think a parallel port OR a serial port will not work as a signal source?

I didn't exactly say that. My reply was based on Josh's schematic. With not having any clue of how many steppers he's driving, type of stepper or his exact stepper interface I based my reply solely on how many DB25 inputs he has. He has 12 data input lines. An LPT has only 8 data output pins. RS232 has only 1 TX data pin and 2 TX control pins. I have no experience with LPT but I can make RS232 dance for me with VB6.

Cool, I just bought a 5 axis breakout board on eBay that will controll the uln2003's. Do you think that will work? And if so could I possibly have a schematic


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Josh, it's hard to beat the price, especially with shipping included. I would guess that a US manufacturer would have to charge $35.00 - $45.00 for that board. Don't be in a rush though because Ebay's "Direct From China" doesn't break any world speed records.

I read through the... uh.. "Specifications"???!! :eek: It reads like most of the stuff written in in China. I call it Chinglish! Let's hope that the instructions and product data included with the board is written in English and a heck of a lot more detailed than what's on that web page. I see no power handling components on the board so I'm going to assume that it's intended to control external drivers and that's one of my points. I didn't find anything in those "Specs" that even hint what the outputs will source or sink. We'll need to know this to properly select and interface the drivers.

Suggestion: Google this product to see if you can find users that have posted their experiences with it. I have no doubt that it will perform well. I'm only concerned with the documentation or possible lack of it.



So long, and Thanks for all the Fish!
LOL! Yes ENNS, that should certainly do it!

I hope you will keep this thread updated with your build progress. If you need help/suggestions relating to CNC that do not involve the electronics portion of your project, feel free to PM me and I will give you a link to a CNC forum where the topic might be more appropriate. As I said in my first post, I think it is fabulous to see young people motivated enough to undertake a project such as this.

I will tell you that it is extremely exciting to watch your build "move" for the first time!! But I should also WARN you, CNC has proven very addictive for me ;-) I have a small format (9in x 11in x 3in) CNC router I use for all sorts of things (routing/drilling PCBs being a cool one) and I have all of the parts for a larger format machine (28in x 40in x 8in) that I simply have not had the time to build. I have also designed a medium format CNC Plasma cutter that I have neither time to build nor the space to house, but hope to in the future :) My wife teases me, saying,"You are just like a kid except you have a credit card." LOL.

Anyway, Good Luck with your project!



So long, and Thanks for all the Fish!
I just did an e-bay search on stepper drivers, and I am amazed what is available at affordable prices! This is just 1 example:

That is a single axis 12V-24V .5A to 3.5A (in 0.5A steps) stepper driver. For $11 delivered, it seems like a heck of a deal; however, perhaps more driver than you need for your current steppers.

If you don't mind sharing, you said in your OP you were building a "plotter"; what is the purpose of the plotter? How do you plan to control it? Are you familiar with CAD/CAM/Controllers? Have you given consideration to your rails? There is a TON of information available. Please feel free to ask questions.

That is so cool, I am so excited that you are helping me and could get me a schematic? And will the board improve the controls better than just a parelell port?