Maker Pro
Maker Pro

uC economic keyboard


Joel Kolstad

mdavid said:
Does anybody know how this works [see atached link] ? It's a 12 keys
keyboard which use only 4 wires.

It's nice... what he's doing is energizing one column of keys at a time
(1/4/7/*, 2/5/8/0, or 3/6/9/#), and then using the four pins to read back
which (if any) button is pressed. But... since he uses one of those same four
pins to energize a column, he needs two ways to energize each column: When the
leftmost diode is driven, the 3/6/9/# column is energized, but he can't read
back "#" since it's already high. Hence, he'll next drive the 2nd to leftmost
diode, which still powers up the 3/6/9/# column, and now he can read # (but
not 6 -- but he already checked that last time).

The pin driving the LED is an input while he's "scanning" the keys, although
it'll light up if 1, 2, or 3 are pressed. If the duty cycle of scanning is
low, this probably won't be visible. (He could add a largish resistor between
the top row and the input pin to reduce this effect, if it is noticed.) When
he's not scanning he can use it to flash the LED or whatever.


Does anybody know how this works [see atached link] ? It's a 12 keys
keyboard which use only 4 wires.

It's nice... what he's doing is energizing one column of keys at a time
(1/4/7/*, 2/5/8/0, or 3/6/9/#), and then using the four pins to read back
which (if any) button is pressed. But... since he uses one of those same four
pins to energize a column, he needs two ways to energize each column: When the
leftmost diode is driven, the 3/6/9/# column is energized, but he can't read
back "#" since it's already high. Hence, he'll next drive the 2nd to leftmost
diode, which still powers up the 3/6/9/# column, and now he can read # (but
not 6 -- but he already checked that last time).

The pin driving the LED is an input while he's "scanning" the keys, although
it'll light up if 1, 2, or 3 are pressed. If the duty cycle of scanning is
low, this probably won't be visible. (He could add a largish resistor between
the top row and the input pin to reduce this effect, if it is noticed.) When
he's not scanning he can use it to flash the LED or whatever.


Thanks, Joel.
I took another look to that schematic. Your explanations it's ok, but
i think he does the "scanning" on rows
(Make one row "0" logic), and then use the other 3 (connected to
columns now through corresponding diodes)
to see what key was pressed.
