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Maker Pro

TV Vertical circuit failure aaaargh! help!

Hello all, My name is Elwyn from Vancouver Canada.I have a Panasonic CT - 2769 SCW
built in 1999 , Chassis # AMEDP 307, This television had very little use so the screen quality is like new.That should take care of the why bother part.Any way the picture shrank to a bright horizontal line through the middle of the screen.So i carefully unplugged the set,took off the back cover And powered it up again being very careful not to jar it. But alas the screen came back on .I then waited about a half hr. and like magic black screen bright line.So at this point i took a plastic rod and began lightly tapping in the area of the(cable in) part of the board and on comes the picture like new.:confused:But now i can not determine which ic i came close to so do not know which pins to re solder.The set has been running for about 7 hrs and refuses to black out again. This has become a major time consumer and and a serious point of contention between my cat Ralph and me as i have been hissed and growled at twice now for chasing him off the workbench :mad:.Does any one out there have a schematic of my set or any idea which ic number may be the likely suspect? If so i could really use your help or an e-mail diagram, pics or what ever.:) My e-mail is [email protected] Cheers


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Technophobe, one thread is sufficient. I've deleted the other one. This seems the right place for it anyway.
Most probably it's the vertical IC...... i don't know the IC number on this model but it is situated somewhere near the FBT (flyback transformer), and is attached to a heat sink....... The ic should look something like this , just re-touch the leads and also nearby components.....
hope this helps
Vertical ic collapse

Thanks marcgal i will give it a shot,I may take a few pics later and post them for other people to use with the same trouble.:)
lol that problem, I used to fix it by clouting the TV once on the top, and twice on the left side hard (but not so hard to break it) and it would fix itself.

"If in doubt, give it a clout"