Maker Pro
Maker Pro

TV circuitry for Sony


Damien Lee

Dear Friends

I will Be Much Appreciate if some friend out there can send me a
Circuitry For TV model Sony KV-XF 25M50.
I'm having problem ...TV screen shrink and turn off by itself



Damien Lee:
Are you certain that, with a schematic in hand, that you can troubleshoot,
test and repair the television?? Television repair is just not that
simple.... a schematic is only most useful to an experienced tech that can
fix the majority of failure without the schematic.
A good place to learn more about television failures and repairs is at
the website for this newsgroup at
There, with some searching and reading, you will find a wealth of television
troubleshooting tips, component testing methods, repair procedures, and
IMPORTANT safety information that will help you to stay away from the very
dangerous and LETHAL electrical shock hazards inside. Be very careful,
these hazards can still be present even when the television is turned off
and unplugged from the AC power.
If, after reading through the repairfaq website, you are still not certain
how to proceed you might be best advised to TAKE your television to a
service shop for at the very least a repair cost estimate so you can make an
intelligent repair decision with facts instead of telephone or internet


Shrink?? From top and bottom, from side to side, what definitive
measurements have you made. Please post troubleshooting procedures and
result so we have a clue as to what you are doing. Otherwise it will be much
better to have a professional service the tele for you.