Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Trying to reuse old phone parts (screen and camera)


Recently I've disassembled my old phone and got an idea that I could reuse some parts, mainly screen and camera, and use them with RaspberryPi or regular PC.

The phone in question is Sony Ericsson C510.
It has a TFT display which I'd like to connect in HDMI port.

However, it uses an interface I'm not familiar with. Here's an album with parts.

I'd like to know what interface this is and what would it take for me to make a converter for HDMI and power supply. If you could send me an ebay link with a product I need, that'd be awesome.

You'll need the BOM from Sony to discover the model number of the screen being used.

Since it's only 320x240 resolution and there are dozens of such displays on module boards all over eBay for a few $'s it hardly seems worth the time/trouble to investigate an unknown board with inaccessible connectors.

You could use such a board/dispay for HDMI but why? The 1920x1080 offered by HDMI will display very poorly indeed on a 320x240 screen......

You can get modules that piggyback onto the Raspi or Arduno boards - the Raspi having an HDMI output and can scale images down to the 320x240 you seem ok with.

Same goes for the camera module - save yourself the time and trouble by getting one with known qualities/quantiies and connectability.

I realise it seems like a good idea to salvage and reuse these parts but when you lump in the time/trouble/expense of sourcing connectors, data and interface requirements etc you'll find you're pretty much wasting your time and resources.
That's unfortunate, but I understand.

I figured I could just order a connector/converter from ebay that will connect this display port to an HDMI and start using it as a computer screen. Guess not.

Thanks for clarification.
That display panel looks to be a 'bare' board in that it doesn't have any signal processing circuitry on it so it would have to be addressed using a complicated digital processing procedure to develop the RGB signals and synchronisation etc. Hence the requirement for the display part number and the associated data sheet.

Many of the very cheap boards on eBay will inteface using a simple I2C protocol or through libraries (software) readily available for the boards like Raspi or Arduino.

The connectors actually are available but they have a 0.4mm pin pitch and making circuit boards and/or wiring directly to them is a nightmare!