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Maker Pro

trying to find radio or cell phone link system


Don Miller

I'm trying to find a system that can monitor a vacation home we have in
Washington State that does not have phone service or 120 volt power. Cabin
is a mile away from any wires. Cabin has an off-grid solar powered
electrical system and a very large 24 volt battery bank and 120 volt
inverter. I do not want to run the inverter just to power an alarm system.
I would like to find a system that I could hook to our 24 volt battery bank
instead of its little backup battery and which would send its cry for help
via a cell phone link that would be part of the purchased package. (I could
tap battery bank for 12 volts if needed.) My cell phone works if hooked to
a 3 watt pre-amp/amplifier that I have in my pickup so cell service is there
if pre-amp and amp added. I'd be happy if the system only contained 3
wireless door bugs, two wireless motion detectors and a very loud 12 or 24
volt horn/siren. Any advice on where I might get such a system would be



Thomas Cooper

Don said:
I'm trying to find a system that can monitor a vacation home we have in
Washington State that does not have phone service or 120 volt power. Cabin
is a mile away from any wires. Cabin has an off-grid solar powered
electrical system and a very large 24 volt battery bank and 120 volt
inverter. I do not want to run the inverter just to power an alarm system.
I would like to find a system that I could hook to our 24 volt battery bank
instead of its little backup battery and which would send its cry for help
via a cell phone link that would be part of the purchased package. (I could
tap battery bank for 12 volts if needed.) My cell phone works if hooked to
a 3 watt pre-amp/amplifier that I have in my pickup so cell service is there
if pre-amp and amp added. I'd be happy if the system only contained 3
wireless door bugs, two wireless motion detectors and a very loud 12 or 24
volt horn/siren. Any advice on where I might get such a system would be


Hello Don,
have a look at the self contained LOXXON Alarm Computer:

Thomas Cooper

Frank Olson

Don Miller said:
I'm trying to find a system that can monitor a vacation home we have in
Washington State that does not have phone service or 120 volt power.
is a mile away from any wires. Cabin has an off-grid solar powered
electrical system and a very large 24 volt battery bank and 120 volt
inverter. I do not want to run the inverter just to power an alarm
I would like to find a system that I could hook to our 24 volt battery
instead of its little backup battery and which would send its cry for help
via a cell phone link that would be part of the purchased package. (I
tap battery bank for 12 volts if needed.) My cell phone works if hooked
a 3 watt pre-amp/amplifier that I have in my pickup so cell service is
if pre-amp and amp added. I'd be happy if the system only contained 3
wireless door bugs, two wireless motion detectors and a very loud 12 or 24
volt horn/siren. Any advice on where I might get such a system would be



I've done this trick with power supplies and even powered a DSC 1550 once
the same way.

Take a postive and negative lead from one of the batteries in your bank
(equalling 12 volts) and hook it up to the AC transformer input of the alarm
panel (go with something cheap like a Napco 1000 or similar "small" panel).
The bridge rectifier will pass the appropriate voltage through to the board
and "voila", a fully functional alarm panel you can add whatever
contacts/devices you wish to. I would suggest not going with a siren in
remote locations since you want to be alerted to an intrusion/fire via cell
phone anyway (besides why disturb the tranquility of your neighbors who may
not appreciate your efforts to secure your cottage if you start experience
false alarm issues if your main power source fails). Ensure you plug a
battery on to the battery terminals of the alarm control. I don't think a
cellular alarm transmitter will "adapt itself" well to the "pre-amp and amp"
combination you've mentioned and such service may well be limited or
restricted by networks like Skyroute and Uplink in your area. You'll have
to determine the coverage.

PS. Consider using system smokes (photo-electrics) to provide notification
if there's a fire.

Good luck!!

Frank Olson
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Mark Leuck

Russ Brill said:
What's a LOXXON, it sounds like medication for hemorrhoids ....... :^)
Regards, Russ

Thats a good use for it although I doubt it works any better than for

Frank Olson

You've put 12DC from a battery into the AC input of an alarm panel?


Yup... worked like a charm. The first time I tried anything like this, I
was filtering line noise out of a camera image (we'd taken over the prewire
done by a "goofball") and used two "back-to-back" 12 VDC power supplies (12
VDC output from one fed the 12 VAC input of the other, then the camera was
powered from the output of the second). In fact (on that job), we also
powered the Mircom 1000 intercom system with 12 volt DC power (from a
separate power supply) because the customer wanted to ensure his intercom
functioned even in a power failure.

I also helped install a DSC 1550 on a yacht (although I wasn't involved in
the wiring - I don't do marine work) and that's where we tied it in to the
12 VDC bus with no problems. In fact, the system is *still* working
perfectly and with the addtion of an Uplink cellular communicator is able to
be monitored 24/7 (as long as it's tied up to the slip that is).

Frank Olson
Free listings for qualified dealers and industry professionals
You can read the ASA FAQ at

Frank Olson

Hey Frank...where'd your response go? It got deleted before I could read it.

Hmmm... I never deleted it (and it's still on my server)... but here it
Yup... worked like a charm. The first time I tried anything like this, I
was filtering line noise out of a camera image (we'd taken over the prewire
done by a "goofball") and used two "back-to-back" 12 VDC power supplies (12
VDC output from one fed the 12 VAC input of the other, then the camera was
powered from the output of the second). In fact (on that job), we also
powered the Mircom 1000 intercom system with 12 volt DC power (from a
separate power supply) because the customer wanted to ensure his intercom
functioned even in a power failure.

I also helped install a DSC 1550 on a yacht (although I wasn't involved in
the wiring - I don't do marine work) and that's where we tied it in to the
12 VDC bus with no problems. In fact, the system is *still* working
perfectly and with the addtion of an Uplink cellular communicator is able to
be monitored 24/7 (as long as it's tied up to the slip that is).

Frank Olson
Free listings for qualified dealers and industry professionals
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