Maker Pro
Maker Pro

trouble with PICKit 2 44-pin demo board lessons



I just bought a PICKit 2 with the 44-pin demo board and I get an error
"Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are
correct." when I try to build the first lesson project "Hello
World" (see assembly code below). I tried all different values for
the STATUS register bits RP1 and RP0, but still get this error. Same
thing with the second lesson project. I really just want to see the
thing work at this point. Didn't think I would have to debug tutorial
code, so I assume I'm missing something obvious. Any help?

; PICkit 2 Lesson 1 - "Hello World"
; This turns on LED 0 on the 44-Pin Demo Board.
; *******************************************************************
; * See 44-pin Demo Board User's Guide for Lesson Information *
; *******************************************************************
#include <>

org 0
bsf STATUS,RP1 ; select Register Bank 1

bcf TRISD,0 ; make IO Pin RD0 an output
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; back to Register Bank 0
bsf PORTD,0 ; turn on LED RD0 (DS0)
goto $ ; wait here
I just bought a PICKit 2 with the 44-pin demo board and I get an error
"Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are
correct." when I try to build the first lesson project "Hello
World" (see assembly code below). I tried all different values for
the STATUS register bits RP1 and RP0, but still get this error. Same
thing with the second lesson project. I really just want to see the
thing work at this point. Didn't think I would have to debug tutorial
code, so I assume I'm missing something obvious. Any help?

; PICkit 2 Lesson 1 - "Hello World"
; This turns on LED 0 on the 44-Pin Demo Board.
; *******************************************************************
; * See 44-pin Demo Board User's Guide for Lesson Information *
; *******************************************************************
#include <>

org 0
bsf STATUS,RP1 ; select Register Bank 1

bcf TRISD,0 ; make IO Pin RD0 an output
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; back to Register Bank 0
bsf PORTD,0 ; turn on LED RD0 (DS0)
goto $ ; wait here

Is it a warning or an error?
Put in
errorlevel -302
in your code
see if it goes away


Is it a warning or an error?
Put in
errorlevel -302
in your code
see if it goes away- Hide quoted text -

Yeah, just a warning. Thanks.

Frank Buss

Brandon wrote:

I think this is the line which causes the warning:
bcf TRISD,0 ; make IO Pin RD0 an output

In general it is a good idea to write programs at the highest warning
level, without producing warnings. You could write it like this:

bcf TRISD - H'80', 0 ; make IO Pin RD0 an output