Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tri-level composite signal from microcontroller

What is the easiest way to generate this pulse from a microcontroller running at 3v3? I have IO pins and PWMs available.

I haven't dealt with negative voltages before, and I'm not that familiar with analogue electronics (other than simple opamp circuits). My first instinct is to generate -3v3 (somehow?) then use 2 or 3 microcontroller pins to switch 2/3 mosfets or transistors with resistors dividing voltage, but I do wonder if there's a better/ simpler way.

It doesn't seem possible/appropriate to create a virtual ground unfortunately, as the composite signals go out over BNC using chassis ground.
The wikipedia article says there is no DC, perhaps a capacitor in the line would be sufficient.
There are integrated circuits which can give a low current negative supply, I have never used one.
Alec_t, Duke- the cap, it may well be acceptable, yes! I'll simulate it into a 75Ohm load and experiment- my experience with AC is pretty minimal so I don't really grasp how it works. I assume that I could clamp the spike with diodes and that the magnitude and duration of the spike are a product of the capacitance and load. I'll report back once I've had a play around. Thanks!