Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Treadmill Motor Board replacement


I've been searching online for some help but not having much luck. I purchased a treadmill a while back and the motor control board is faulty I've been told. I live in an isolated place in the tropics and I don't have access to service repair facilities. treadmill was bought online, and the seller has since vanished and even the email in the manual for service parts does not exist anymore..basically got screwed.. The treadmill is in god condition, just power to the motor does not seem to be happening. I have attached here the control board ( please excuse the dirt..coastal air+lots of dust). I guess what I want to know the most since the original supplier does not exist anymore is.. Can I replace this control board with another treadmill brands' control board? and if so how would I know which is the correct control board to use.

hoping I can find some help here. If you need more info happy to provide.
They are not generally that interchangeable, there are a few common problems depending on the make, the power devices could require replacing, they are either SCR's or Mosfet transistors.