Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Traxxas 2018 Standard Servo control

This is fairly specific question, and I'm not sure that anybody really knows about this, but I need help understanding how to control the Traxxas 2018 Standard Servo (the stock servo in the hobbyist R/C car called the "Traxxas Slash".)
I don't know too much about servos, other than that I've successfully used a Parallax Standard Servo by sending certain analogue pulses to control the angle of the servo (I'm using a Parallax Propeller microcontroller to do this).
But when I try sending analogue pulses to the Traxxas 2018 Standard Servo (I'm trying to automate my Traxxas Slash with my microcontroller), it responds randomly and not at all like the Parallax Standard servo.

Can anybody tell me what's different about a R/C car servo than a standard servo, and what methods one would use to go about controlling it?
This is fairly specific question, and I'm not sure that anybody really knows about this, but I need help understanding how to control the Traxxas 2018 Standard Servo (the stock servo in the hobbyist R/C car called the "Traxxas Slash".)
I don't know too much about servos, other than that I've successfully used a Parallax Standard Servo by sending certain analogue pulses to control the angle of the servo (I'm using a Parallax Propeller microcontroller to do this).
But when I try sending analogue pulses to the Traxxas 2018 Standard Servo (I'm trying to automate my Traxxas Slash with my microcontroller), it responds randomly and not at all like the Parallax Standard servo.

Can anybody tell me what's different about a R/C car servo than a standard servo, and what methods one would use to go about controlling it?
Can you please provide additional details. Perhaps sample code you are using, or the part numbers on both servos?

It could very well be a timing issue depending on how the microcontroller is trying to communicate.
Most likely using the term incorrectly to describe duty cycle.
At least, that is what I am hoping.
Sorry about my long response, the transmission on my R/C car broke so I had to abandon this project for a while, but I have it up and running now. I'm going to take some pictures later to show exactly what I'm doing, and how the R/C car is wired.

About "analogue pulses," yes, you have to use the "pulseout" command on the Propeller microcontroller over the white servo wire to control the Parallax standard servo, which I've done before. Changing the frequency of the analogue pulses generated by the microcontroller aims the servo in the direction desired, and the documentation about this particular servo is at

As for the servo in my R/C car, it looks pretty much the same and has the same 3-pin header (like I said, I'll take pictures soon), but there's not really any documentation about it. The official product page is pretty nondescript, But there's a more detailed description on this page,

Thank you for your help, and I'll get together info and pictures of my code and wiring.