Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Transformer from china

Hi all

New to Electroncics point so here goes !

Can anyone help me track down a replacement transformer for my fridge freezer as the manafacturers wont supply to me

Its a 240V - 16.5VDC 0.3A
Made in china of course TDE-6.0-B4(DA26-00019C)

Thanks all and looking forward to being part of the team


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
All you need to find is a power supply which has an input voltage close to 240 volts (if you're in a country with 240 volt power you'll be hard pressed to find one with anything different) and an output voltage close to 16.5 volts (probably varying up or down by a volt or so won't matter, so 15v to 18v is probably OK), and most importantly an output current of 300mA or more (so 500mA, 1A would be fine).

However, I guess I need to ask you -- why it is you think the power supply has failed? Unless there's obvious signs of failure I might be looking elsewhere first. If there are obvious signs of failure, it may well be that the power supply failing was as a result of some other fault, not the direct cause.

Since it's a power supply, getting the correct connector is probably another trick.

I'll also query why a freezer has an external power supply like this (assuming it's external).
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The label says 16.5VDC so I think this may ba a power supply not a transformer.
What does it do? 5W can hardly drive a fridge freezer.