Maker Pro
Maker Pro


Hi, I am trying to assemble a 35-40 volts power supply for car amplifier, i got this transformer but don't how enough knowledge to make use of the figures on the transformer. It has a NH3-0050, 115V, 230V 50/60Hz, 10 Z 6 ZE and C-222-33B, the brand is Zebra. next to it i think is a rectifier diode RBV-401. Anyone know if i can make do with these stuffs and connect to a capacitors for car amp power supply? thanks.

Harald Kapp

Although I know nothing about the transformer you have, I'm sure this is not going to work at all. A transformer is suitable for transforming AC from one voltage to another (in your case the transformer seems to be rated for either 110 V or 230 V primary voltage, it probably has 3 or 4 connector for the primary winding).
However, in a car you have a 12 V DC battery supply. DC cannot be transformed directly. You need to build a DC/DC converter. This works by converting the DC to an AC signal, transforming it, then rectifying it to get DC again.
You find more information here:

My personal opinion is that this is not the best project for someone not experienced in this area.
