Maker Pro
Maker Pro

training wheels for probes

i thought it would be fantastic to get some probes that are fully coated.. maybe with the very end tips cut ... or requiring jst a little bit of pressure to make contact.

i think it would serve me well while learning, as well as provide some insurance after i get some practice.

do they make such a thing?
is there any recipes?
would it hurt the readings?

is somebody going to come in here and tell me to simply fold tape over the probe one time and leave the tip open?
(because i'd do it.. i was jst wondering if there were other ways)


are you talking about multimeter probes ?
there are probes available that just have a short pointed end out if the plastic insulation
My Fluke DMM has them

there are other probe accessories that have small clips on the end that will clip onto component legs

i was talking about multimeter probes or oscilloscope probes.
it's gratifying to note they do exist.

thanks for helping me cherish my time.
I wonder if using heat shrink tubing (and a LITTLE bit of tape at the end) can accomplish this insulation, while minimizing the sticky gunk on the probes.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Heatshrink should work fine. The insulation probably isn't as good as the rest of the probes, but it would be fine for low voltage circuits.