Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Traic does not turn off on 12V charger


George Jefferson

I have an industrial strength 12V charger. Initially it would not turn off
on battery removal. Replaced the triac and now works 95% of the time but in
some cases it still does not turn off.

The way it works: Controller triggers triac to supply charging power(from
transformer). The controller senses the voltage from the battery to
determine how to charge the battery(full charge, "trickle", etc...).

Either the controller is bad(not turning off the triac), the triac is bad,
or the circuit used is not well designed for the application(and/or designed
for a specific triac).

Again, what happens is when the cables to the battery are disconnected the
controller stays on instead of turning off as normal(and again, does not
happen most of the time).

Simply because of the sparking involved when removing the battery cables it
is obviously inductive(obviously because of the transformer). I believe
that a snubber is probably in order(not sure if the controller has one
and/or is bad/weak).

Any other obvious possibilities that I'm overlooking?


I have an industrial strength 12V charger. Initially it would not turn off
on battery removal. Replaced the triac and now works 95% of the time but in
some cases it still does not turn off.

The way it works: Controller triggers triac to supply charging power(from
transformer). The controller senses the voltage from the battery to
determine how to charge the battery(full charge, "trickle", etc...).

Either the controller is bad(not turning off the triac), the triac is bad,
or the circuit used is not well designed for the application(and/or designed
for a specific triac).

Again, what happens is when the cables to the battery are disconnected the
controller stays on instead of turning off as normal(and again, does not
happen most of the time).

Simply because of the sparking involved when removing the battery cables it
is obviously inductive(obviously because of the transformer). I believe
that a snubber is probably in order(not sure if the controller has one
and/or is bad/weak).

Any other obvious possibilities that I'm overlooking?

One is supposed to turn off the power before disconnecting battery to
avoid sparks which my ignite the explosive hydrogen given off during

Try Jan's suggestion, but I'd use a lower value resistor, maybe 220 or
less, to quench any snubber circuitry.
