I've currently got a small project underway to latch an LED on with no moving parts. So far, I've run a 2n2222 darlington pair into a pnp-npn pairing. The pnp-npn setup is based off an approximation for a thyristor.
Using a 2n5401 and a 2n5551 it works, although it's got a bit of a personality, ie when connecting the 9V battery it sometimes just turns on anyway, sometimes it won't latch, won't turn on at all etc. although disconnecting and reconnecting the power a few times usually fixes this.
My first question is: what causes this behaviour, and how can I fix it?
My second question: I've tried this using a 2n3904 and 2n3906, but upon connecting the battery the LED simply turns on. I'm thinking this is just because the voltage bull dozes its way through the transistors, but if anyone knows why I'd love to know.
Using a 2n5401 and a 2n5551 it works, although it's got a bit of a personality, ie when connecting the 9V battery it sometimes just turns on anyway, sometimes it won't latch, won't turn on at all etc. although disconnecting and reconnecting the power a few times usually fixes this.
My first question is: what causes this behaviour, and how can I fix it?
My second question: I've tried this using a 2n3904 and 2n3906, but upon connecting the battery the LED simply turns on. I'm thinking this is just because the voltage bull dozes its way through the transistors, but if anyone knows why I'd love to know.