Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Total noob trying to get dirty

Hey kids, I'm a 100% little tiny baby when it comes to electronics, but I figured I'd jump into the deep end and try and learn a little something.

My motivating interest: I just picked up a drum machine (Zoom RT-123) from Goodwill for $5 that won't power up, but golly, I'd sure like it to. I've tried multiple power adapters -- to no avail -- so I'm pretty sure it's the unit itself.

I have a cheap soldering iron from Radio Shack and a 15yr old multimeter that I unearthed from the bottom of my toolbox. The extent of my soldering experience is building some XLR mic cables about 10 years ago, so it's more than kind to say I'm rusty.

I really have no idea where to start, so I throw myself on the mercy of the court. Ideas? Guidance? Well-deserved mockery and disdain? If you can help and are willing to do a little hand-holding, I'll be a willing student. I'm reasonably bright and have adequate fine motor control, so I hope I'll be a quick study.

Thanks for reading, and helping if you can! I look forward to expanding my mind and gettin' dirty...
hello, i am new here to. i have that unit to what dont work. we could help each other.
i am trying to find a way to post jpegs here. dont kno tho.
can you?
Hello guys.
I suppose I'll start the ball rolling then. Can the unit be taken apart easily and some nice close up pictures taken of the inside, showing any circuit boards. If the PCBs can be removed without damage a picture of the other side would also be a good idea.
you are very helping to.
my camera can change to 1.6million. will this be better. i can take more jpegs can this 1.6 and attach? i think i kno what you meen.
i put the chaf in and a small spark then red lights 1 second. no sound out. it is drum machine for audio making thanks
i am realy happy realy happy.
i did first electronic repair. opened first 4 screws than back bit come away. two white wire and 1 not in place. put back in place and all red lights on. i am happy. tell first person i will help him repair he's 1. very happy and just 1 wire away from conection.
i am realy happy realy happy.
i did first electronic repair. opened first 4 screws than back bit come away. two white wire and 1 not in place. put back in place and all red lights on. i am happy. tell first person i will help him repair he's 1. very happy and just 1 wire away from conection.

Good, hope it works ok.
Ok, here's a few photos of my unit. Mine won't turn on at all, unlike the other unit on my thread. The first obvious thing is to get a new battery, but when I tried to get it out of the clip, it actually seemed to be soldered in.

The top connection was attached in the upper edge, not the center of the battery. The bottom connection is firmly attached, and actually rotates in the board when I wiggle it.Thoughts on how to replace this battery?

If anything else jumps out at ya, please let me know. Thanks!

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Hi Solitonsnap,

Your drum machine should come with a DC adapter for 9V (300ma) or find an equivalent one for power. Sorry I do not understand when you said "The first obvious thing is to get a new battery" because I am unable to locate any battery being used here.
Have you been using the original DC adapter as per the operation manual.

You may download the drum machine (Zoom RT-123) operation manual,d.c2E&cad=rja