Maker Pro
Maker Pro

total newbie question regarding eproms



please bear with me cos i know zip about all things electronic

Does anyone know where I can source approx 50 of the following eproms

MC68HC705 & 27C010/27C020

I also need to be able to write the image (that i have) to these eproms
so will require a writer

Cheap is as always an important factor :eek:)



please bear with me cos i know zip about all things electronic

Does anyone know where I can source approx 50 of the following eproms


That's a microcontroller/embedded CPU, not an EPROM. It's also made in
several packages, so you'll need to specify the full part number to
order them or identify which programmers will work with them.

Motorola (now Freescale, with a crappy javascript website that takes
about a minute to look anything up. Grrr) has obsoleted them, so you
should seriously consider modding your design for a newer chip.
Hopefully, it should be just a matter of changing to a new package &
& 27C010/27C020

I think they should still be pretty available, but again, they're now
made in a variety of packages, so you'll need to figure out which ones
are acceptable to you. (Full size erasable chips in a ceramic DIP,
one-time programmable tiny QIPs, etc)

If you have a sample or prototype, you should copy down all the codes
exactly from the chips that're in it.
I also need to be able to write the image (that i have) to these eproms
so will require a writer

Once you've figured out the details for your chips, Googling for
"eprom programmer" & the full part number for your chip should give
you hundreds of suitable programmers at a wide variety of prices. ;^)

27C010 "eprom programmer"
Gave me some 13 thousand hits:
You should also be able to find lots of programmer kits, used
programmers & 'budget' new units on EBay.