Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Toshiba TV CX2780A help needed



Need help with this 14 year old (but still has excellent picture quality)
Toshiba 27" TV CX2780A, chasis no. TAC9160.
After TV on for about 30~45 mins., pictures from off air reception starts to
roll and break up, however, pictures from composite video or S video input
is not affected and of excellent quality. Appears to be a bad solder joint
but could not pin point problem area. Help from anyone who has worked on
this set with similar problem will be appreciated. Have service manual.

What I have done so far with no success:
* Check ESR of electrolytics near tuner module (such as C065, C062, C063),
replace all caps with marginal ESR reading
* Re-solder all joints around tuner module
* Check Q201, no problem with this transistor
* Remove and open tuner module, re-solder all suspected joints

Could it be tuner module has gone bad, or there is still a poor solder joint
or bad cap somewhere?
Please remove _nospam from email address if direct reply.


Max Harding vk3jin

check the electro's inside the tuner..........i have had these do go faulty
at times.


Don't remember seeing any electrolytic cap inside tuner module but a bunch
of tiny surface mount caps, coils, a xtal and an IC. Do you mean IF module?
I have not looked inside the IF module yet.
