Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Toshiba hi-fi VCR blows fuse twice. w-604 (circa 1994)


burt squareman

When I put a tape in and press rewind it would attempt to
rewind then blows the 1.6A fuse. I put a new 1.6A fuse then
blows days later when pressing rewind. A new one is put in and
blows right after when I plug in the power. The circuit board
looks clean. I will put a resistor in place of the fuse but what
should I look for?


G. Louie

This may not be so helpful, but my 1991 Toshiba SV970 S-VHS VCR had a
similar fuse blowing episode, and it turned out to be a small shorted
capacitor in the power supply. I think I removed the power supply and each
cap until I found the bad one. If I'd had an in-circuit ESR tester then, I
might have found it a lot sooner.

I'm not sure why you like the resistor in place of the fuse.

JVC Dude

If FF is ok but blows on rewind then I would assume if it uses a brush type
motor (rather than the capstan) the brushes are worn and short out the
armature on REW, hence taking a fuse out. Often the motor will sound clicky
when the brushes are worn.


If FF is ok but blows on rewind then I would assume if it uses a brush type
motor (rather than the capstan) the brushes are worn and short out the
armature on REW, hence taking a fuse out.

This chassis would most likely use the brushless capstan motor to drive the
idler pendulum. Standalone motors dedicated for use on the idler drive is a
rare, if not unheard of, part in a 1990s era consumer VCR.

In the 1990s, there were virtually no VCRs made during that time that used
brush motors for the idler drive.

It sounds more like a power supply issue. The VCR is about the right age, if
not slightly overdue, to develop problems with leaky caps in the secondary and
even the primary sides of the SMPS. - Reinhart

JVC Dude

I concur- although Burt hasn't said whether it runs ok on FF- since if psu
is at fault surely the high drive currents are present in both FF & REW.

Did have a capstan motor fault once with very worn bearings that wouldn't
run one way .
It was stiff in reverse.
