Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Toshiba HD DVD Player HD-D3KU Draw Won't Open


D Messing

This is a Toshiba HD DVD player

After turning on the unit the pilot light changes from red to blue. The
screen displays WELCOME.

It never progresses beyond that point and the drawer can not be opened.

It is like the boot sequence stops. Pushing the Open Drawer Button or other
buttons there is a beep that sounds. Otherwise it is locked up.

The player has had very light use. Any reset or what can be done???

You've probably already tried this:
When mine locks-up, I completely unplug the unit from the wall socket, and plug it in
again. The unit goes through it's complete reboot cycle again.
Another silly thing, is if there's a disc in there, and it wasn't seated correctly, it can jam
the sliding drawer. If this is a possiblilty, unplug it, and take the cover off the chassis, to
see what you can see.

D Messing


Thank you for the suggestions.

I tried both, neither worked out for me.

The DVD doesn't spin up and the laser doesn't move. It isn't like the
power supply is totally dead since the WELCOME appears and the fan runs.

I will try any ideas anyone may have.

Thanks again

D Messing

Thank you Arfa,

I do have an ESR meter and will do as you suggest and will report back.
