Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Toshiba 51 RPTV



I have a Toshiba 51 inch RPTV thats 5 years old. About 3 months ago
it became diffulcult to read my DirectTV channel tags on the top/
bottom of the screen when it was cold (first turned on). Well it
progressively has gotten worse to the point the whole screen is
garbled for the first 15 minutes. Finally called a TV repairman, he
walks in the door looks at it and says "that's not good". Proceeds to
tell me it's the PIP board, Toshiba doesn't make it anymore, he has to
rebuild it for $350. Mind you he hasn't gotten closer than 6 feet
from the tv. I say I don't know if I'm conmfortable putting $350 in
this tv when I can get 51 inch tv's new for $700 nowadays. Of course
he says his shop is filled with these "new" $700 tv's and they "don't
build them like they used too". I'm like well 5 years is all I got
out of this one, how much worse can they get, he says alot. I tell
him I need to think about it. So....., what would you do? I have
the room for a RPTV, and don't want to blow the cash on a Plasma/LCD
etc. Is fixing this a worthy investment? Did I get a good


Leonard Caillouet

It is very hard to tell with the vague description, no model number, and no
part numbers of the diagnosed board. Likely he was talking about the Hyper
module, which would be in the range that you described and some of them are
NLA. Not an uncommon scenario for Toshiba RPTVs of that vintage.



Your Model # is probably 50H81, or something like that. Without the
model, or chassis number, it's hard to tell what part number is the
right one, but it sounds right about the "hyper module" being bad, &
it costs the repairshop about $ 300 approx. to get it rebuilt at
Toshiba. Also, the module is not available from Toshiba, & has to go
to Toshiba for rebuild to guarantee a proper rebuild. Some techs do it
themselves. The hyper module is listed at the site below, but they may
not have stock. It is a good T.V., & they DON'T make them like they
used to. If the picture isn't blurry, or weak (bad picture tubes), it
IS worth repairing. These units last a long while. You could try
ptscorp, they had stock a while back for $190
&you can get $60 back for sending them the dud. Below is their site.
Hope this helps you out! Dani.

Part # 23148024 is $ 500.64 Canadian list price at Global
Semiconductor in Mississauga, Ontario


Sorry it is a 50HDX82, it was a higher level Toshiba at the time of
purchase. This sems to be a common problem with them? He talked
about rebuilding it himself, should I trust this or insist on a
factory rebuild?


Jerry G.

The repair for your set will be fairly expensive. I would suggest to
retire the set, and get something new and with a full warranty.
Because of the age of the set, there is no gaurantee that the set will
be fully reliable in other areas.

Jerry G.


I've decided to fix the set, believe it or not, when it warms up the
picture is still great.

I have access to electricians who fix boards at work. They do this or
machines don't run. Would it be wise to try this repair with some
help, or let the tv repairman handle it. Also, I have a friend who
sends his amps out to be reworked and upgraded to higher grade
capacitors, maybe his contact would be more reliable at repairing the
board, if I removed it. Will better capacitors make it look any
better, or is that overkill? My friend swears by his amps after being
reworked, but he has a very high end Class A HT ($30,000) set-up.

Thanks again for your help.


I've decided to fix the set, believe it or not, when it warms up the
picture is still great.

I have access to electricians who fix boards at work. They do this or
machines don't run. Would it be wise to try this repair with some
help, or let the tv repairman handle it. Also, I have a friend who
sends his amps out to be reworked and upgraded to higher grade
capacitors, maybe his contact would be more reliable at repairing the
board, if I removed it. Will better capacitors make it look any
better, or is that overkill? My friend swears by his amps after being
reworked, but he has a very high end Class A HT ($30,000) set-up.

Thanks again for your help.

I take it silence means it's not a good idea?


I take it silence means it's not a good idea?

Cold solder joints, broken traces, defective
transitors/ics/capacitors/resistors, all can cause intermittent and
thermally related problems.

Changing all the capacitors might fix it. It might not.

I suspect that sending your board to the people that fix your friends amp
may produce a bill similar to the bills he gets for work on his amp. You
probably are not willing to pay that much.

As for his swearing by his amp, "A mother's opinions about her children's'
beauty, intelligence, goodness, et cetera ad nauseam, keep her from
drowning them at birth. [Robert Heinlein]"

With high speed A-to-D(analog to digital) and
high speed, high power D-to-A,
it is possible to produce amps (with almost any filter profile you might
desire) that accurately amplify from DC to above the hearing range of any
human, for a LOT less than $30k.

Beauty is in the ear of the listener, however.

bz 73 de N5BZ k

please pardon my infinite ignorance, the set-of-things-I-do-not-know is an
infinite set.

[email protected] remove ch100-5 to avoid spam trap

Charlie East

I am working on a Toshiba 42h83 with the same problem, I found a lot of info
at, search the 42h83 then look at picture zigzag, Seems the
digital converter board is a commom failure on several models. 11 (10@16v)
surface mount caps that need changing. I replaced them in this set and cured
the zigzag, however there is still a ghosting problem, So I would suggest
replacing the board, Its a plugin board, but the shield is soldered to the
main moard at 4 places.


thanks I'm still trying to find the time, doing a tranny rebuild
I was told there was no replacement board?