Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Toshiba 32A42, apparent uP problem


Tom MacIntyre

Hi...this is an exchange between a friend and I from earlier today. I
cannot do repair work anymore due to physical limitation in my manual
dexterity, so cannot take any measurements. Can anyone shed any light
on this? Thanks.


Hey Tommy,
just had a quick ? for ya about my damm tv. I know
that you have been away from fixing them for awhile but dad say's that
you don't forget easy and would be the person to talk to. Anyway
yesterday the tv just started turning down it's own volume and it did
that for like an hour. I would turn it up and it would turnitself
down. Then that stoped and about an hour later it started scanning
thru the channels for no apparent reason all by itself. This is the
point at which I tryed to simply turn it off using both the remote
and the main switch on the tv but it would not respond. So i unpluged
it to try and maybe reset it or something and now it will not turn on.
The tv is a Toshiba 32 inch and the model # is 32A42. hey don't know
what to do but if you have any insight or have come across this
problem before please let me know.

Thanks in advance


When I first read your description, I thought it might be a stuck
front panel button, but the multiple faults indicates it is likely the
microprocessor/uP (similar to what is in a computer) or its peripheral
circuitry. Toshiba years ago had a flaky line of uP IC's that ended up
in other brands, particularly MTC. We would replace dozens every
month. I'll get online later to research it a bit, and get back to you


Tom MacIntyre

The multiple faults indicate that several buttons were still wet from
the glass cleaner that dripped down on them.

Ah...maybe...forgot about that one. This guy is more savvy than that,
but someone else may not be...will pass it on...thanks David.
