Maker Pro
Maker Pro

To build step counter app using using android studio

can anybody shown me how to build an step counter app using android studio that will count the number of footstep and plot the number of footstep in graphical form for every 15 minutes?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Your question is a bit like "Can you tell me how to change a tire on a vehicle made by Toyota?". The question appears to make some sort of sense, but lacks enough detail to be almost impossible to answer.

In your case, the important details might include:
  1. How you will detect the steps
  2. How you will display the results
  3. What devices are you targeting
The fact that you've identified Android studio as the development environment is almost unimportant.

As Bob says, you'd probably find more assistance elsewhere.