Maker Pro
Maker Pro

TL494 SMPS help required


Martin Whybrow

I'm fault finding a PSU (an argon ion laser PSU) based around a TL494 SMPS
controller. The SMPS is arranged as a single ended series regulator with
both drive outputs of the 494 in parallel driving the switching FETs. The
dead time control pin (pin 4) is at 0V, but the drive output at pins 9 and
10 is showing 100% duty cycle, the data sheet states it should have a 5%
dead time. The oscillator is running, I get a 100KHz sawtooth at pin 5 (Ct)
ramping from 0.4V to 2.6V and the Vref (pin 14) is correct at 4.99V.
Is the TL494 dead? Any other ideas.

Michael A. Terrell

Martin said:
I'm fault finding a PSU (an argon ion laser PSU) based around a TL494 SMPS
controller. The SMPS is arranged as a single ended series regulator with
both drive outputs of the 494 in parallel driving the switching FETs. The
dead time control pin (pin 4) is at 0V, but the drive output at pins 9 and
10 is showing 100% duty cycle, the data sheet states it should have a 5%
dead time. The oscillator is running, I get a 100KHz sawtooth at pin 5 (Ct)
ramping from 0.4V to 2.6V and the Vref (pin 14) is correct at 4.99V.
Is the TL494 dead? Any other ideas.

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Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida