Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Timer circuit to control coaxial switch

I am trying to come up with a simple circuit design that can time-control the control voltages (~3.5V) of a SPDT coaxial switch such as this one:

The objective is simple - to have the switch go switch from RFin1 to RFin2 and vice versa every N seconds (in magnitude of 10s of secs). Unfortunately I am not that knowledge in circuit design so I have no come up with a solid idea yet. I was thinking of implementing a simple LM555 circuit. Would that work? What about a binary/bcd counter? The biggest concern I have is how to implement and synchronize the two control voltages.
If all you want is change over, then you will need to energise one or other of the control lines.
This could be done with a 555 and a transistor to invert the output to one line. A 555 will need a much higher voltage than the relay requires so some attenuation would be necessary.

A CMOS 4093 can be used as an oscillator and inverter and will operate down to 3V.

How accurate or consistent do you need N?