Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Timer 555 voltage

I want to apply two 9 volt batteries to a 555 timer supply to make 18 volts but according to instructions a 555 timer calls for 15 volts max..Other than using one battery for the timer..What is the best way to reduce the voltage to less than 15...Thanks....colum



What do you have in mind?
Why do you need 18 Volts?
The NE555 will also work on 9 Volts.
When you want to reduce the voltage from 18 Volts to 15 Volts , you could use a LM7815.

It's not good practice to run components at their maximum rated voltage if you want them to have a long and happy life, so why use 15V?
Two 9V batteries will quickly drop the voltage too low for an LM7815 voltage regulator to work. Then the voltage keeps dropping.
Thanks for the replies..As advised I will use one battery for the 555 and an other supply for the rest of the circuit..colum
Thanks Bluejets..I want to drive a transistor with a higher voltage output independently of the 555 ct
I like to experiment and it really doesn't bother me if I fail I just try again.
I do appreciate help from these forums otherwise there would be far more fails and with Radio Shack gone parts are much harder to get...Thanks...colum



Can you post a schematic of your project?
That way we can see if we can make improvements on it.

When I order electronic parts from Digikey or Newark before 8:00PM, they are delivered to me the next morning and I am in a different country from them.


Hop - AC8NS
Thanks for the replies..As advised I will use one battery for the 555 and an other supply for the rest of the circuit..colum
Jeff, you can connect two 9V batteries in series and share a common connection, with the 555 operating from one of them and your transistor operating from the two of them. This can be extended as far as you want to go by adding more batteries in series, but I would recommend not using more than, say, six 9V batteries in series because of the electrical shock hazard during experimenting. You don't need to ask me how I know this.:oops:
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