Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Time Based Automated Light System

Hello everyone i am new to this forum and a beginner in the field of electronics. Actually i wanted to build an time based automated on & off light system. which can run from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and after that period it should be automatically switch off the lights and on next morning it should be running automatically. I have searched the internet but i am not getting any proper resource on how to achieve this scenario.

It should be working under 240 V and 50 Hz. Basically i wanted to automatically glow two CFL lights which are off 27 watt for a fixed interval of time which i mentioned above and it would be great if i show the running time through an 7 segment display.

It would be great if any one could help me in this project.

Thank you
A simple way of controlling the lights is to use a central heating controller which can be programmed for time and day. Try to find an electrical engineer who does complete rewires, they use new components and old mechanical programmable are often not reused.
Thank you for your reply @duke37. I wanted a DIY solution for my project. I am quite familiar with C/C++ and python programming language . I can write the programs for chip. Actually i wanted to built this project using some microcontroller which i can program but i need a circuit diagram with its appropriate components and its working procedure so that i can design it by myself. If any one got any reference link through which i can gain some knowledge than i would be great for me.