Maker Pro
Maker Pro

TI CCS problem: file operation



Hi all,

I always work on VC and now I want to port my code to TI CSS.
I read the CCS manual, and confused with file operation.

I want to read data from a virtual data source. And write to another
virtual data file.
Does TI CCS support standard C file operation like "fopen" and "fread"
and "putchar"?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!
Best regards,

Chris Carlen

Davy said:
Hi all,

I always work on VC and now I want to port my code to TI CSS.
I read the CCS manual, and confused with file operation.

I want to read data from a virtual data source. And write to another
virtual data file.
Does TI CCS support standard C file operation like "fopen" and "fread"
and "putchar"?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!
Best regards,

Which DSP platform?

For the one with which I am familiar, the C2000 platform, CCS has "probe
points" and other goodies that allow you to input/output data from
files. This is in the development phase. For real file IO in the real
application, then of course some sort of hardware file storage mechanism
and associated drivers would need to be in place.

Spend time working through all their tutorials. Then you will have the
overview of what features are available and how to use them.

Good day!

Christopher R. Carlen
Principal Laser&Electronics Technologist
Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
[email protected]
NOTE, delete texts: "RemoveThis" and
"BOGUS" from email address to reply.


Hi Chris,

Thank you for your help!

I use the C55 platform. And shall I write the driver when I want to use
" probe points"?

Best regards,

Chris Carlen

Davy said:
Hi Chris,

Thank you for your help!

I use the C55 platform. And shall I write the driver when I want to use
" probe points"?

Best regards,

No not at all. The purpose of probe points is to let you inject or
eject data under the debugger (or I suppose under the simulator as well)
with a great deal of ease, ie., without having to write any drivers.

In a simulated application, or in an app under development where some
system components (and their drivers) responsible for supplying data to
the DSP or doing something with data generated by the DSP are not yet
available, the DSP developer would be able to get work done by having a
way to virtualize the data flow. The probe points allow this. But they
are implemented by the debugger, not by lines of code which call some
stdio library for instance. They allow you to develop the data
processing algorithms in the absence of the code that actually IOs the
data. Later of course you will have to implement the code that will
interact with whatever hardware to IO the real data.

But the way to get started understanding all this is to invest the time
working through all the tutorials, giving at least a brief read through
the most relevant user guides and app notes, then starting to write some
experiment apps.

Good day!

Christopher R. Carlen
Principal Laser&Electronics Technologist
Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
[email protected]
NOTE, delete texts: "RemoveThis" and
"BOGUS" from email address to reply.

Randy Yates

Hi Davy,

Contrary to several others' opinion, I prefer file I/O over

I found file I/O via the standard C libraries does work
but not as expected on the C54x platform. The problem
has to do with differences in, e.g., the minimum addressable
unit on the C54x being a 16-bit quantity rather than the
8-bit char that is available almost everywhere else.

I've written some "hook" routines that translate the C54 file
I/O operations into the ones we've come to know and love.
You're welcome to them - email me at [email protected].
Put the string "TI File I/O" in the header so I don't trash
your message as spam.



Randy said:
Hi Davy,

Contrary to several others' opinion, I prefer file I/O over

I found file I/O via the standard C libraries does work
but not as expected on the C54x platform. The problem
has to do with differences in, e.g., the minimum addressable
unit on the C54x being a 16-bit quantity rather than the
8-bit char that is available almost everywhere else.

I've written some "hook" routines that translate the C54 file
I/O operations into the ones we've come to know and love.
You're welcome to them - email me at [email protected].
Put the string "TI File I/O" in the header so I don't trash
your message as spam.


I have done exactly the same thing, Randy, and I prefer file I/O to
probe points. I use utility routines on the Matlab side and CCS side
that understand the TI formats. I have found it to be a reliable way to
get data onto and off of the DSP -- once you understand the formats and

Probe points are nifty, but TI needs to simplify their configuration.
There are too many steps and menus. With file I/O, I can put a project
on the shelf for a year, come back to it, and I'm in business quickly.
With probe points I have to returh to the documentation, navigate the
bugs, deal with changes to the IDE, and worry about obsolescense.

One thing the file I/O method is not is fast.
