Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Thurlby Thandar Instruments

  • Thread starter Peter Schildmann
  • Start date

Peter Schildmann

Does someone have experiences with devices from Thurlby Thandar
Instruments, specifically TG550 (function generator) and 1604 (bench
digital multimeter)?

Thank you,

Mike Harrison

Does someone have experiences with devices from Thurlby Thandar
Instruments, specifically TG550 (function generator) and 1604 (bench
digital multimeter)?

Thank you,

From my limited experience I've always found TTI stuff to be a bit on crappy side - build quality is
usually OK but they just don't inspire the sort of confidence that you get with HP,Tek, Fluke etc.
I'd sooner buy used from these makers than new TTI.


Subject: Re: Thurlby Thandar Instruments
From: Mike Harrison [email protected]
Date: 01/12/2004 22:20 GMT Standard Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>
From my limited experience I've always found TTI stuff to be a bit on crappy
side - build quality is
usually OK but they just don't inspire the sort of confidence that you get
with HP,Tek, Fluke etc.
I'd sooner buy used from these makers than new TTI.

Thats assuming you have the extra cash. The quality of the lower end Tek & HP
isn't what it used to be but niether are the prices so I guesss you get what
you pay for.