Maker Pro
Maker Pro

This might be a silly question...

an idea struck me for building capacitors or batteries and the idea is to connect the electrodes in series similar to a voltaic/zamboni pile but have all the negative and postive electrodes connected in paraell at the same time by having each electrode have a terminal/current collector to make it possible and therefore possibly making a series-paraell hybird. Will this work? The reason I am asking this is I am limited in resources and wanting to make sure whether or not to proceed with this
I don't quite understand what you are trying to do. Capacitor or batteries? do you mean, you want to make a battery out of parallel capacitors? Can you show us a drawing or what you think might work?



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Connecting in series and parallel at the same time means that you short out cells.

You may be able to achieve an arrangement with a switch that allows you to switch between series and parallel, but you'll need a switch with as many poles as you have cells (and possibly more -- it may be 2n - 2)
an idea struck me for building capacitors or batteries and the idea is to connect the electrodes in series similar to a voltaic/zamboni pile but have all the negative and postive electrodes connected in paraell at the same time by having each electrode have a terminal/current collector to make it possible and therefore possibly making a series-paraell hybird. Will this work? The reason I am asking this is I am limited in resources and wanting to make sure whether or not to proceed with this
The closest you can get without some complicated switching would be strings of batteries connected in parallel with other strings.