Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Thevenin equivalent circuit

I've been trying to solve this circuit using different methods. All went well until Thevenin (or Norton) method. I've been trying to solve for hours, with getting different results (incorrect) each time. Please help. Suggestions appreciated. I know every branch of this circuit by hear already, still can't seem to locate answer using these 2 methods.

I have to find the current through 10-ohm resistor using the method. Any help appreciated

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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
See if you can find a way to simplify the circuit. You have a voltage source with a series resistor. What can you convert this into? Does this suggest another conversion you can do? What about the current source?

The resistor in question can be "absorbed" by one of these transformations as long as you are able to determine the voltage across the nodes that the resistor joins. Even if this resistor is not there, knowing the voltage across the nodes is sufficient to calculate the current that must flow through the resistor.
See if you can find a way to simplify the circuit. You have a voltage source with a series resistor. What can you convert this into? Does this suggest another conversion you can do? What about the current source?

The resistor in question can be "absorbed" by one of these transformations as long as you are able to determine the voltage across the nodes that the resistor joins. Even if this resistor is not there, knowing the voltage across the nodes is sufficient to calculate the current that must flow through the resistor.
Hey, thanks for suggestion, but while have already solved the circuit with source replacement method and tried integrating in the solution for this method mult times I came up with diff answers and none of them correct. Maybe I am making silly mistakes already, I know most nodes and currents in this circuit by heart :D but really tired . If you could be so helpful as to try solving it I'd be really really grateful.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
No, this is the homework section. You show us what you've tried and we'll try to help you figure out what you did wrong.
I've been trying to solve this circuit using different methods. All went well until Thevenin (or Norton) method. I've been trying to solve for hours, with getting different results (incorrect) each time. Please help. Suggestions appreciated. I know every branch of this circuit by hear already, still can't seem to locate answer using these 2 methods.

I have to find the current through 10-ohm resistor using the method. Any help appreciated


The circuit is easy to solve by the nodal method. You have one unknown node and one equation. The answer is a simple integer. Can you set up the single node equation and solve it? Don't let the dependent current source throw you off.
