Maker Pro
Maker Pro

then what does jp1 and jp2 mean here?

Hello friends,I'll perform the final project for this card, but I don't know what's JP1 and JP2 displayed here.I'm using altium for schematic and PCB design.which component should I use and what does it do?thank you.


  • pmod_rs323_front.png
    397.6 KB · Views: 13
  • pmod_rs323_back.png
    286 KB · Views: 12


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It means Jumper.

Pull those blue things off and you'll find 2 pins. Those blue blocks contain a bit of metal that joins the two pins together.

Typically it's for setting an option, but you'd have to look up the documentation to see what these are for. It *might* swap the transmit and receive pins, but it also may be for something totally different.

edit: I normally would recommend you start a new thread rather than reopening one from 7 years ago.
It means Jumper.

Pull those blue things off and you'll find 2 pins. Those blue blocks contain a bit of metal that joins the two pins together.

Typically it's for setting an option, but you'd have to look up the documentation to see what these are for. It *might* swap the transmit and receive pins, but it also may be for something totally different.
product description says 'Optional RTS and CTS handshaking functions'.Could it be for jumpers


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It could be. It's definitely NOT for swapping the transmit/receive pins (and that only works for 3 wire connections - that this is not).

It's difficult to tell where the jumpers connect to, but I can see where they don't connect to :)