Maker Pro
Maker Pro

The right thing of measuring leakage inductance?


Winfield Hill

Bob J. wrote...
Thanks a lot.

What are you working on with the cute pancake coils?
What are some of your typical coil parameters and
their measured inductance and leakage inductances?
Bob said:
Hi all,

I want to know what is the right thing to measure leakage inductance, A
or B?

Check this out:

Method A - method B only measures the inter-coil capacitance.

The thinking underlying method A is that the voltages across coils 1
and 2 are given by

V1 = L1. dI1/dt + M. dI2/dt

V2 = L2. dII2/dt + M. dI1/dt

where M is the mutual inductance of the two coils. If the coils are
100% coupled, then

M = (L1. L2 )^0.5

Method A forces V1 to be zero

L1.d1/dt + M. dI2/dt = 0

This can be re-arranged to gives us an expression for d I1/dt

dI1/dt = - (M/L1) /dI2/dt

which can be substituted into the second equation to give us

V2 = L2. dI2/dt - M^2/L1. dI2/dt

The method is imperfect, because slightly more real coils have
resistance, which means that

V1 = L1. dI1/dt + M. dI2/dt + R1.I1

V2 = L2. dI2/dt + M. dI1/dt + R2.I2

An even more realistic mathematical model would take the parallel
capacitace of each coil into account, and a serious model would include
a third single turn "coil" to represent the current induced in the
transformer core ...

Hope this helps.

Paul Mathews

Bob said:
Hi all,

I want to know what is the right thing to measure leakage inductance, A
or B?

Check this out:


As others have mentioned, 2nd circuit measures interwinding
capacitance. Note that using the 1st circuit for leakage inductance
frequently yields incorrect results if the measurement frequency is too
low. Common LCR bridges use 50/60 Hz or 1kHz, and the resistance of the
windings and the shorting link 2a-2b dominate the measurement. If a
bridge with a higher test freq is unavailable, best to use another
method of measuring inductance, e.g., di/dt with V step or ring-down
methods. These have been described many times on this group.
Paul Mathews