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The magic of Colloidal silver

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edit: this thread moved from here:

I think I can offer some more detail that is missing from the description of the purpose of this circuit.

There is a great deal of interest in being able to make your own Colloidal Silver solutions at home, rather than having to purchase it from a Health Food store. Typically an 8 ounce bottle of Colloidal Silver costs about $30.

Colloidal Silver is simply silver ions suspended in distilled water. Distilled water is absolutely necessary, as it is the cleanest water available, that is, it has no 'contaminants' in it typically found in tap water, or even filtered water.

Silver has been used by the medical community and indeed by many cultures for hundreds of years. Until the 20th century, how silver worked was not well known, but now a great body of research is available.

I use and make my own Colloidal Silver solution and up until now, have made it the 'old fashioned' way. I stumbled onto this site quite by chance, and am happy I did. I thank all the contributors to this thread for the wealth of information that has been made available by the forum members; in particular the user known as CDRIVE.

In appreciation of his contributions I will tell you why I make and use Colloidal Silver, and I will tell you how I have made it up until now.

One night in February of 2004, I made my way to the Emergency Room of the local hospital, complaining of extreme lower back pain. When the doctor examined me, he could find no explanation for my problem. Eventually he brought out a portable diagnostic machine and was greatly surprised. He said "Your bladder is full, likely backing up into your kidneys. When did you go pee last?" and I couldn't remember if I had even done so that day. So he asked me if I felt full, or if I had the feeling of my eyeballs floating in the back of my head. You know the feeling when you really really really have to go. I told him that other than feeling a little bloated, I didn't have those feelings at all. I couldn't tell that I was full at all. I tried to urinate, but I couldn't.

He was perplexed, and he inserted a catheter up my penis into my bladder and emptied it and I got immediate relief. I was in fact, full. So he hooked the catheter up to a bag, and sent me home with the instructions to see my family doctor when his office opened after the weekend.

My family doctor kept the bag and catheter attached, and sent me to see a urologist. The urologist kept the bag and catheter attached, and sent me to specialist who filled up my bladder with some fancy instruments and he performed a CTI scan. He couldn't figure out what was going on, so he kept the bag attached and sent me to see another specialist, who ordered an MRI.

By the time the MRI was performed (I live in Canada), 8 months had passed by. The MRI showed something called a 'syrinx' on my spinal cord, basically a little cyst, or a tiny zit. The specialists decided (they didn't really know for sure) that maybe some nerve cells had been killed by the cyst, and I was told I would have to catheterize for the rest of my life. By the time this diagnosis was made, 11 months had passed, me walking around with a bag attached to my leg under my jeans, and a catheter inserted into my bladder.

So I was taught how to catheterize on my own. No one ever told me that if that bag wasn't removed within about 3 weeks of insertion, the chances of getting a stream going on my own again, was slim to none.

In any event, the problem with catheterizing is that no matter how well you might clean the equipment etc., you run the risk of frequent bladder infections and UTI's (urinary tract infections). And that is precisely what has happened. I catheterize anywhere from 3 to six times a day. And for the last ten years, I've gotten anywhere from 8 to 16 bladder infections and UTI's every year.

When I get an infection (it's not a pleasant experience) I bring a urine sample to my doctor. He tests it with a strip and says "Yup, you have an infection", and he sends me to the lab to give them a sample of urine and a blood sample so the doctor can make sure that the medicine he proposes to clear it up, will actually work.

The pharmaceutical medicine prescribed is usually CiPro, or some other antibiotic.

The problem now is, CiPro and other antibiotics have become extremely toxic to my body. Each time a prescription is made, I have to take stronger doses and for longer periods of time. And the side effects that I get from the use of the antibiotics is almost worse than getting an infection. In fact, they are more painful and they are worse. There is a big long list of possible side effects, and I've experienced many of them. And it's getting worse and worse.

In September of this year (2013) i got another (usual) infection, and I just dreaded having to go to the doctor and getting a prescription for yet another antibiotic. One CiPro pill, and the next day I'm in severe pain. So in desperation, I searched and searched for some other solution.

I stumbled onto Colloidal Silver. The day I woke up with an infection, I was also coming down with a cold, and I had an appointment to see the dentist for a really thick and bad case of tartar on the bottom backside of my teeth but I cancelled that appointment until i was feeling better.

My spouse bought a bottle of Colloidal Silver from the health food store, and I drank two teaspoons before I went to bed.

When I woke up, my infection was gone. GONE. I was a little surprised, and thought it was a one off. I noticed however that the cold I had started to come down with, was gone too. A couple of weeks later I got another infection. So I took two more teaspoons of Colloidal Silver, and the next day the infection was completely cleared up.

I was going to call the dentist to rebook my teeth cleaning appointment, I had forgotten all about it. To my surprise, all the tartar was gone. In fact, my teeth were smoothly clean. I thought... WTF? Wow.

Since that time, I have done considerable research into Colloidal Silver, and I make my own. The medical community has used silver in preparations for a very long time. In Mexico, they sell "MultiDyn" at the marketplace where you buy your fruit and vegetables. People there know that there are a lot of nasty pathogens in their fruits and vegetables sold at the market place, so they put a cap full in a bowl, fill the bowl with tap water and the fruits and vegetables, and twenty minutes later, they can eat the food. MultiDyn is Colloidal Silver. In Europe, all the cruise ships use silver to disinfect their potable water supply. They use silver on the Space Station and the Space Shuttles to purify their water. Hunters often buy purifiers that use silver for when they are out in the bush, and having to drink river water. I could give you hundreds of other examples.

I am completely convinced of the efficacy of Colloidal Silver. It kills hundreds of pathogens and bacteria, including the E coli virus.

I've been making it myself now. I went to the post office and bought two fine .9999 pure silver Bank of Canada coins for about $30 each. I bought alligator clips with wires and three nine volt battery clips and three nine volt batteries from Radio Shack (called The Source in Canada), and I bought a glass jar and a plastic strainer with holes throughout it. I put the wires through the holes of the strainer and soldered the alligator clips to the wires. I wrap the silver coins in Coffee Filter paper and attach an alligator clip to the edge of the coin through the filter. I pour distilled water into the jar just far enough that the coins are suspended in the water, but not the alligator clips.

And then I connect the nine volt batteries. They are connected in series, for a total of 27 volts. The purpose of the Coffee Filter paper is to keep the black residue from collecting in the water. If I could reverse the polarity every minute, it would greatly reduce the black particles that accumulate at one of the silver electrodes. After about four hours or so, I have a solution of Colloidal Silver that works just fine.

I have a real laser pointer, which I use to examine my solution. If you point the laser into the jar of distilled water, you can't see the beam of light in the water, but if the distilled water has enough silver ions in it, you can see the beam of light IN the water.

It only needs to be a faint beam. But nothing bad will happen if you make a stronger solution.

The key is to recognize there are a lot of 'professionals' who are either ignorant of the facts or they are quite aware of the facts, but want you to remain ignorant and within their (profitable) pharmaceutical system.

So there you go. Thanks for reading this long post.

Everything I've told you is the truth, and if you want more information, feel free to contact me at your convenience.

Peace to you and your family and friends.



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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I do not like lumps of ground floating in the sky. :)

Float in the sky? Yes, this thread is a couple of months old and I did miss your post while traveling. FYI, I cut my teeth on RF circuitry where connections directly to ground are imperative. Drawing GND as such conforms to this practice far better than a ground buss/rail. I also don't like ground rails in my schematics at all. They do nothing but add wire clutter that have to be crossed. Yes, you can get away with it in small scale schematics but when they grow into a full blown SSB, DSB, AM, CW, FM transceiver a ground bus becomes unnecessary wire clutter.

All that said, this is the way I was taught and is accepted industry/military standard in the US. I'm not going to change at this late date. Hell, I don't even want to because I like it better! After all, what's the advantage of having to follow a node through a mine field of other nodes only to find that it's GROUND? I would argue that ground rails don't look professional either.

By the time the MRI was performed (I live in Canada), 8 months had passed by.
This is infuriating! The dimwits in DC just legislated the same exceptionally poor healthcare system here in the US. We have a very large Canadian Snowbird population in S. Florida. Many of them have been using our health care because of what you describe.
If I could reverse the polarity every minute, it would greatly reduce the black particles that accumulate at one of the silver electrodes.

After reading your description of what this circuit is designed to do I can't help but wonder if a much simpler AC output (wall wart) wouldn't do a good job of this electrolysis process?
A rectifier diode shunted with a resistor could provide controlled reverse current every half cycle.

Shutterbug, I want to thank you for posting this very informative description of your affliction. I have a friend who is suffering from this to the point of extreme swelling of lower extremities. Like you, they've been pumping him up with antibiotics and of course the catheter. My friend is not a happy camper!

My prayers are with you,

EDIT: After rereading the requirements of this circuit which specifies that polarity reversal periods are 50/50 (symmetrical), I don't understand why a pure 60Hz AC wall wart or transformer (same thing) which is also symmetrical would not do the job. :confused:
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Float in the sky? Yes, this thread is a couple of months old and I did miss your post while traveling. FYI, I cut my teeth on RF circuitry where connections directly to ground are imperative. Drawing GND as such conforms to this practice far better than a ground buss/rail. I also don't like ground rails in my schematics at all. They do nothing but add wire clutter that have to be crossed. Yes, you can get away with it in small scale schematics but when they grow into a full blown SSB, DSB, AM, CW, FM transceiver a ground bus becomes unnecessary wire clutter.

All that said, this is the way I was taught and is accepted industry/military standard in the US. I'm not going to change at this late date. Hell, I don't even want to because I like it better! After all, what's the advantage of having to follow a node through a mine field of other nodes only to find that it's GROUND? I would argue that ground rails don't look professional either.

After reading your description of what this circuit is designed to do I can't help but wonder if a much simpler AC output (wall wart) wouldn't do a good job of this electrolysis process?
A rectifier diode shunted with a resistor could provide controlled reverse current every half cycle.

Shutterbug, I want to thank you for posting this very informative description of your affliction. I have a friend who is suffering from this to the point of extreme swelling of lower extremities. Like you, they've been pumping him up with antibiotics and of course the catheter. My friend is not a happy camper!

My prayers are with you,

EDIT: After rereading the requirements of this circuit which specifies that polarity reversal periods are 50/50 (symmetrical), I don't understand why a pure 60Hz AC wall wart or transformer (same thing) which is also symmetrical would not do the job. :confused:

Thanks for your comments Chris.

I was wondering the same thing. I'm afraid I wasn't paying attention in science classes so many years ago. Is there any reason that the electrolysis wouldn't work using a transformed isolated ac input to the silver electrodes? I've been looking for the answer and haven't found it yet.

P.S. Your friend might certainly benefit from Colloidal Silver.

I have three friends where I live who have also benefited from it. One tried it for a vaginal infection and got immediate relief.

The other one had strange symptoms that had them seeing several doctors with an eventual diagnosis of lyme disease after being told the symptoms were all in their head and being referred to a psychiatrist.

He said the symptoms disappeared after taking the C.S. and the symptoms returned days later. So as long as they take a teaspoon every 4 days or so, they have found relief from the symptoms returning.

Some people claim it must be a placebo effect that people report that C.S. works. In my case, I can assure people it's not in my head. I receive great benefits from the use of C.S. and I marvel at people who make disparaging comments - such as the moderator in this thread.
If you think the placebo effect works only on symptoms that are "in your head', you don't understand it. Most of the placebo effect is attributable to that fact that any subjectively reported symptoms vary up and down whether you are taking medication, a placebo or nothing. This is why placebo controlled double blind studies are the only way to determine whether or not a medication has an actual effect. Can you point us to such a study demonstrating the efficacy of Colloidal Silver?

If you think the placebo effect works only on symptoms that are "in your head', you don't understand it. Most of the placebo effect is attributable to that fact that any subjectively reported symptoms vary up and down whether you are taking medication, a placebo or nothing. This is why placebo controlled double blind studies are the only way to determine whether or not a medication has an actual effect. Can you point us to such a study demonstrating the efficacy of Colloidal Silver?


Absolutely, i have found many such peer-reviewed studies done by professors in US universities in recent years. I will make a list of the studies and links to web sites where you can examine the information yourself. In the meantime take a look at this;
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The article you linked does not mention "colloidal silver" as a remedy for anything. It is about using silver ions to enhance the effect of antibiotics.

It also says that it is toxic:

In the 1990s, for example, a heart valve made by St. Jude Medical, based in St. Paul, Minnesota, included parts covered with a silver coating called Silzone to fight infection. “It did a fine job of preventing infection,” says Fowler. “The problem was that the silver was also toxic to heart tissue.” As a result the valves often leaked.

The article you linked does not mention "colloidal silver" as a remedy for anything. It is about using silver ions to enhance the effect of antibiotics.

It also says that it is toxic:

IVance Fowler, an infectious-disease physician at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, says the work is “really cool” but sounds a note of caution about the potential toxicity of silver. “It has had a checkered past,” he says.

In the 1990s, for example, a heart valve made by St. Jude Medical, based in St. Paul, Minnesota, included parts covered with a silver coating called Silzone to fight infection. “It did a fine job of preventing infection,” says Fowler. “The problem was that the silver was also toxic to heart tissue.” As a result the valves often leaked.

Before adding silver to antibiotics, “we’ll have to address the toxicity very carefully”, says Fowler. Ingesting too much silver can also cause argyria, a condition in which the skin turns a blue-grey color — and the effect is permanent.

And here is info from the Mayo Clinic:

Colloidal silver isn't considered safe or effective for any of the health claims manufacturers make.

Sorry, but I am not convinced by your anecdote.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Excuse me? Is this directed at me?

No it's directed at all the people who believe that woo like colloidal silver is better than things like vaccination, is a cure for tooth decay, etc.

I must be a dummy. Is it a normal thing for a moderator to make comments like this?

Is it normal to go into great details about medical complaints in a thread where someone was asking a technical question?

If it is, I've signed up and registered here in error.

If you want to drag threads off-topic, maybe.

Let's compromise. I'll move all of this into the off-topic area.
The article you linked does not mention "colloidal silver" as a remedy for anything. It is about using silver ions to enhance the effect of antibiotics.

It also says that it is toxic:

And here is info from the Mayo Clinic:

Sorry, but I am not convinced by your anecdote.


If silver is toxic, why would they bother writing pursuing the possible benefits. If you read the article and comprehended what they wanted to say but couldn't say directly you'd understand. The final sentence says it all.

You see, they're funded by pharmaceutical companies that want to make a profit. They can't do that if silver ions are the only solution, as that is not patentable.

And yes, the Mayo Clinic - a profit oriented medical center had some idiot doctor who did NO tests, write an article that you've taken as truth. The mayo clinic has failed to respond to my emails asking questions. Impressive place.

In any event Bob, I'm not trying to convince you or anyone of anything. I made a mistake talking about it on this site, and I won't do that again. Carry on. I won't bother posting any of the other information that is not easy to find on the 'Net. Anyone who wants to ask me questions is free to send me a pm or an email, but I can only tell you of my own experiences and facts as I know them, and urge anyone who has similar problems to do their own research and investigation without merely relying on Mayo Clinic morons, or their doctors who may have ulterior reasons to keep their patients from discovering simple remedies the great Creator has put on this earth for us to discover. Their doctors, like mine who said "how do you spell Colloidal Silver" are trained in a medical education system funded completely by pharmaceutical and food companies, and when you read about what is going on with diseases it's not a big stretch to link cause and effects.

I'll stop participating now. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. What I posted about my results is simply facts and truth and anyone that wishes to dismiss it is free to do so.

I made a mistake. The op didn't go into much details about what he was trying to achieve, and I figured it was precisely because of some of the comments made here and elsewhere about what people have discovered.

Since I won't be returning to participate here, if the moderators wish to allow it, questions can be sent to me by email at cu_vb at since I read my email nearly daily.


Sadly passed away in 2015
If you think the placebo effect works only on symptoms that are "in your head', you don't understand it. Most of the placebo effect is attributable to that fact that any subjectively reported symptoms vary up and down whether you are taking medication, a placebo or nothing. This is why placebo controlled double blind studies are the only way to determine whether or not a medication has an actual effect.
Excellent explanation Bob!
Well, this is the 'off-topic lounge', so what the heck, ....
I've heard repeatedly (which is probably worthless anyway), that silver has been used
for a very long time as a real or imagined 'purification' media. There was/is a belief
(I know because I know a lot of nut-cases), that silver somehow kills germs. It's why
'silverware' eating utensils were made. In the old west, wagon-trains often put a
silver dollar in the water barrel in the belief it would help keep the drinking water free
of a lot of 'germs'.
The old 'silver bullet' to kill a vampire, on and on, ...
This post may be part of that carry-over from true believers, adapted for this topic.
I never bothered trying to research any of this, oft-times I've talked to people who
are 'true believers', who have an agenda, and modify what's either reality or myth to
their agenda on the topic of silver.
I don't know, so I don't dispute the original post, although I question some of it.
What I'm adding, is some 'off-topic' additional info.
My first thought when starting to read the original post was about an episode of House or CSI or something where the death was caused by silver poisoning (CSI most likely with a blue corpse).

He discounts the various references to silver toxicity with mention of his "research" on it claiming that it says its not, people like that are annoying, the people who ignore large volumes of information and choose to only look at the little bit that they believe to be true.
Just drink your fluoride, eat your GMO foods, and take your vaccinations. And shut up.

There are too many people in this world, and it would be better that the stupid ones are killed off rather than the ones who have a modicum of intelligence.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Ouch! I always find it sad when debates turn ugly. Wishing someone dead is really over the top. :(

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