Maker Pro
Maker Pro

The Great AC Converter Mystery - Parts 1,2, & 3

I recently bought a USB hub to use with my laptop while traveling, as I need to plug in a pocket-size 250GB pocket hard drive on a regular basis to access certain files. (I only have 2 USB ports on the computer and one is "reserved" for use with a dongle, so I need a hub for the mouse and any extra USB stuff.)

I learned quickly that the hard drive requires so much power that without external power via an AC adapter, the thing runs like a computer from the MS-DOS days! The power adapter specs in the user's guide lists DC +5V, 1000mA. BUT, the manufacturer apparently discontinued making that adapter, and they can't supply it. The widely available AC adapters available in camera and electronics stores simply don't offer 5v as one of the options.

Before I continue, let me toss is the next moneywrench: the pin connector is the SMALLEST available, measuring, I believe .7 mm.

PART 1 - Being unlearned in the ways of electronics, is there anything I can use with other than those specicied parameters without ruining anything? As you are probably aware, there are adapters with 4.5v as an option..but I don't know the info to figure out if that would work, which leads to....

PART 2 - Could someone please explain (or direct me to a SIMPLE source) the relationship between volts, amps, & watts, so that I can dope this out myself in the future, if necessary?

PART 3 - I've also acquired another hub that will get the job done, same pin size, labelled 5V 2.0A. Does this one offer any easier hope to get an AC adapter that will be OK?

Two other bits of info that are relevant to the mystery:

(1) I understand the + and - concept for plugging in adapters.

(2) FYI, I have been using a 7-port powered USB hub to get the job done, but it's a bit cumbersome to take that along when all I need in a 3 or 4 port hub--plus, the 7-port model was bought to use with another more or less permanently installed desktop computer elsewhere.

THANK YOU for taking the time to read this and for any help you can provide.

Big George
The hard drive needs +5v and +12v and lots of current when operational. the hub can only supply 5vb @500ma max. . why don't you buy a USB drive like 30giga and use thar instead of a hard drive unless you got tons of files to store.