Maker Pro
Maker Pro

The 'bucket challenge'

I would really like to know just how many poeple on facebook and instagram who are shown dumping buckets/bowls of frigid liquid over their heads have actually donated the $10 to ALS or another charity. I'm not 100% certain, but it looks to me like the 'challenge' is how many likes they can get.
I would really like to know just how many people on facebook and instagram who are shown dumping buckets/bowls of frigid liquid over their heads have actually donated the $10 to ALS or another charity. I'm not 100% certain, but it looks to me like the 'challenge' is how many likes they can get.
At the very least, it does spread awareness. I hate to sound callous, but I was nominated and did not do it. Nothing against that particular cause, but there are many causes out there and if I donated $10 to each one, I'd be poor. I'd much rather spring a few extra bucks and buy a sandwich for a kid on the street who's got nowhere to go.
You're right. It does spread awareness about ALS. I think those who do accept the challenge should say something like "I have been nominated by * to do the bucket challenge in order to spread the awareness of ALS".

I think at that point the 24 hours thing would be voided.
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Sadly passed away in 2015
Some people "monetise" their YouTube channels - i.e. they collect revenue from advertising placed at the start of their videos. They don't get much unless they get LOTS of views - 10,000 at least. But they could donate that money to the ALS foundation.

Personally I would rather support research for a more common, and more likely curable disease - cancer, for example.